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Everything posted by thadthrasher

  1. Throughout the years man has developed the taste for a variety of things. The first great discovery was music. The cavemen noticed as they clubbed each other in the heads that a deep bass-like sound occurred. They then started slapping each other for a nice treble sound. Next thing we knew we had advanced beyond head clubbing and face slaps to an intricate combination of sounds created by air and complex percussion. A second great discovery was things of the fermented nature. Mead, beer, spirits. All of which are good and warmed the soul. Hunters would return home from an exhausting excursion, carrying the weight of the day's hunt on their backs. After unloading the catch of the day they would sit by the hearth, warming themselves with not only the crackling fire, but also the soothing taste of the mead that the women worked hard to make. A third great discovery was the capturing of motion onto film. Now, we are into the world of movies. What is your current favorite movie? Attach a trailer! Recently I have found myself re-watching one of my absolute favorite movies, The Godfather.
  2. This is literally amazing my guy. Jazz is such an underappreciated genre of music.
  3. $15 Donation Transaction ID: 16U455138H388532E 1 Mil Player Store Cash 5 Uncapped TPE Doubles Week
  4. As the VHLM continues deeper into playoff hockey, Thadius Sales finds himself wondering, “what does my future look like in the VHL/M?” Sales was a late acquirement by the Halifax 21st and served as their back-up goaltender for four regular season games. He was incredibly active at practice and put in a large amount of extra time in order to grow in skill. During those four games Sales took away three W’s for Halifax, which were impressive victories as the other teams were making a hard end-of-the-season push against Halifax. Saving 95 out of 109 shots, Sales ended the season with a 0.872 SV% and a 3.5 GAA. Had these been the numbers after a regular season of play with more time on the ice there would be nothing to be impressed with. However, these are the stats after coming into the game of hockey late in life, and even later into the season. The simple fact that Sales was able to take even 1 W home is impressive, let alone 3! Sales stats as of 29 October 2020, 14:21 Even more impressive than Sales’ on ice performance is his work ethic off of the ice. After gaining an understanding the expectations of the VHLM, Sales quickly learned how to grow faster as a player. He has continuously put in countless hours of work and dedication to grow and eventually become one of the most sought-after goalies in the VHL. He proves this by his continuing growth in scouting stock. Strengths: Sales is an incredibly hard worker. Coming into the game late, many have wondered whether or not he is willing to stick around for the long-haul. Sales is notorious for not only finishing what he starts but also striving to be the best at what he does. There need not be any worry about his dedication to the game or the league. Not only is Sales a hard worker, but he also knows when/how to have fun. This is crucial for any team. As the stresses of the game begin to build up on players and staff and as wins and losses ebb and flow, Sales is always optimistic. His optimism is encouraging, enlightening, and reinvigorating to those who are down. His constant activity in the community within the VHL shows that he is willing to have fun and be serious when necessary. Sales is new. With almost no experience whatsoever in the game of hockey, Sales is incredible easy to mold. He has relatively no bad habits and is willing to learn and grow. This flexibility will certainly garnish a great goaltender. Weaknesses: Sales is a bit older. Coming into the league at 27, many wondered how this would effect the rookie goaltender’s performance. Starting in the game nearly 10 years later than most other young players, Sales’ age may be a hindrance for some. Sales is a bit inexperienced. While he has had four games under his belt, that doesn’t mean he is a HOF goaltender. His lack of hockey experience shows a bit on the ice with his unorthodox play style, but this too can be worked on. Due to Sales being pretty unknown guy, we’ve included a link to our Junior Review of Sales. It would behoove you to read this as you will gain a deeper appreciation for just who Thadius Sales really is. Overall, picking Sales in the draft is something that you will never regret doing. ---------------------- 566 words for week ending in Nov. 1, 2020
  5. My lord... I love this! It makes me want to walk out into the road and challenge a car head on, feeling fully confident that my body would absorb the brunt force of the car and I'd be fine!
  6. I hear so many people hate on Imagine Dragons. Like, honestly, I think they are great!
  7. Bro, you had me at "11 piece brass." They sound a bit like Too Many Zooz
  8. Right?! I watched an interview they did where the interviewer kept mentioning Zeppelin and Josh finally said something along the lines of "Well, we're not Zeppelin, we're Greta Van Fleet." lol had me laughing hard
  9. I'll have to check out more of what they do. Another band I've thoroughly enjoyed listening to for a few years now is Greta Van Fleet!
  10. Word Crimes, the only time I've slightly enjoyed something associated with Robin Thicke. @bigAL
  11. @BeavissI've not heard this before, and it's really good. The video certainly highlights the emotional turmoil within the song. I like it.
  12. That's pretty amazing. I think a lot of people overlook him as a "real" musician because of his comedic approach, but they are far from correct in their assessment.
  13. ...I'm so glad you shared this. This will forever be a favorite of mine and my wife!
  14. No lie, Hamilton is amazing. When I would have to drive 3.5 hours to my National Guard unit in PA I would listen to that entire album. It's weird how time goes by so fast when you listen to Hamilton.
  15. It is not lol. I usually listen to my Discover Weekly album on Spotify and then if I hear a song I like I'll listen to the entire album that song is in. I just wish Weird Al would come out with another album already!
  16. I didn't see the other link. I was talking about "Breaking Me." However, now that I see what your second link is, I can say that I also thoroughly enjoy that song lol
  17. Yes! I've not listened to Laura Branigan much, but I certainly appreciate the Peter Schilling nod! Major Tom (Coming Home) is a classic!
  18. @GrittyIsKing09that song is pretty good. I can see why it's one of your favorites right now!
  19. I don't know about the rest of you, but I listen to a lot of music. I listen to music when I drive, when I work, when I play NHL 21... Music is a pretty central thing to me and to most people. We hear it in TV Shows, movies, video games, and especially at live events. A good song choice can help set the mood for an upcoming event, or evoke emotions at a certain point. For example, everyone gets excited when they hear their favorite team's goal song play. So, I'm curious to see the variety of music tastes in the VHL community. Drop a link to or embed your most recent "favorite" song!
  20. Honestly, rooftop bars are my favorite things. Craft beer mecca? Sounds like a place I need to visit!
  21. I used to drink a lot of hard cider, but over the years they’ve started tasting too sweet for me.
  22. I wish I was closer to Portland lol
  23. I’ll have to keep my eye on it. I certainly want to make my way up one of these days.
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