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Jack Johnson

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    the SBA

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  1. I would like to come out and say I was dared to do all this for $25. I actually think this was really bad
  2. No. I would be nuts.
  3. Oh. I will now step down from politics. It is in my best intrests. Hockey through and through!
  4. We are actually lucky to be in the USA. And if you live in Canada the same thing. In fact canada has a popular vote instead of an electoral college.
  5. Well. Roe V Wade was the supreme court so yes the American people did not vote on it. But Saying you dissagree with me and my views is alowed in America. China opposes gay marriage you know. And the leadership is dictatorship.
  6. Ok maybe sharing my political stance was a bridge too far. Im gonna shut my mouth now. I hedge against being booted out.
  7. That is fair. This is America and not China so I support this. Democracy people.
  8. Ok. Took it another way. Still though. I support it if the baby will be born dead. Miscarrages etc. Im a lot more moderate than others. An abortion on demand with no reason should be restricted
  9. Now I oppose Roe V Wade and the overturn in my opinion was the right thing. A majority of America would disagree but this is to prove nobody really cares about this.
  10. I actually offer my condolences. It is a horrible thing. No matter what.
  11. R.I.P May your baby live peacefully in Heaven.
  12. Otis. I am proud of what you are accomplishing here. Loving your stories! Keep Up the amazing work!
  13. Still accepting offers!
  14. The Kavanaugh hearings helped nothing. In the end he was found not guilty. Not saying he did not do anything but the courts proved him innocent. Garland is a true story though. I hate McConnell. Too old. Same with Pelosi and Shumer.
  15. I am not saying i support the death penalty. I just think abortion is wrong with the exceptions of rape and incest. Or if it harms the mother's life
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