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Posts posted by Horcrux

  1. The level of derail this has taken is beautiful


    @Minion you are a wonderful GM, and even though I am not in Hali anymore it is a second home to me ❤️ Ill always remember you taking me 13th and ill always be grateful. we dont talk as much as we should but my DMs are always open for you

  2. Tom Hanks Hello GIF

    So I dont want to be known for being divisive and spreading Chaos and disorder. so instead Ill use this to spread Positivity. Randomly I will update this thread with a shutout to a member, will say something nice about them and try to hype them up a little bit. I am not a mean or rude person, I just dont handle life well, I love most people so I want to spread some love around the worst holiday for Depression. 

    *anyone can post poitivity here

    first on the block is @Shindigs

    You and me have this meme rivalry and its honestly pretty funny to watch. you are honestly one of the most cool people on this forum. these past few weeks you have been an Anchor for me and have helped me in more ways then you will never know. you are super funny, insightful, and a great writer. you have wonderful ideas and even sometimes talk some sense into me. you now know who the top 5 celebrities i would sleep with is (sorry) and I just look forward to more and more conversations. Thanks for being an amazing friend and great member. 


    for a first graphic I think it is very well done, you have the clear player, their is a jersey swap which is nice to see. This is however very green lol. The background could use a stock or two to blend the images together some, so we dont see 4 squares, for the text and placement of the players I think given the size you did that extremely well. aside from a few stocks on the Background and the player this is super well done. 

    Grade: 8/10


    I really like this, the simplicity, the renders in Black and White on the purple. the list of wins. its a simple message but it just works. great job. 

    Grade: 9/10


    No idea who the Havoc are, I assume before my time. However this is sick. I love the Jersey Swap, Im a huge fan of that logo, and I can never say anyting bad about Crosby. the only small gripe I have is the chest logo could sit a little higher but other then that its wonderful

    Grade: 8/10

  6. 2 minutes ago, Alex said:


    Going to try and be as impartial as possible here, the current IA issues in the VHLE were unavoidable. At the time of the VHLEs creation and this season there just simply isn't enough active players between 200 and 350/400 TPE to support a 6 let alone 8 team league without the need for IA players to fill roster spots. As of a couple weeks ago exactly 40% of the VHLE was IA players (that has likely gone up, just with players naturally leaving), with 2 teams over 50% IA (77% and 54%).


    Like the VHLM the VHLE is highly dependant on a high rate of recruitment and we should see the number of players in the VHLE reflect that of the VHLM 1-2 seasons prior. Going into next season we should see 40-50 players leaving the M for the E, and only about 25-35 leaving. If recruitment goes down to less than 100 players per season again we will more than likely see the VHLE fill up with IA players once again.

    I wish I knew the right answer and the right fix, I dont. but i think we should at least give it a fair shot. but i  agree retaining all 50 will be bear impossible. 

  7. 3 minutes ago, Spartan said:

    1. Which is fine, but also not a pre-existing issue that you had mentioned. I just wanted to know what pre-existing M issues are getting blamed on the VHLE. Perhaps this was a misstatement which is fine, I just hadn't heard of any arguments that met this criteria and was curious to learn more about it.


    2. Some types of inactivity is unavoidable yes, like life catching up to people, or folks naturally losing interest. We do need to address when a league has higher inactivity rates than others, and I think there are others who have done research on it that will present it when the time is appropriate. Not going to step on toes, but I agree that the inactivity rates in the VHLE are a little concerning - that we're not putting an appropriate level of focus on retention and engagement on the VHLE that it deserves.


    3/5. Not going to argue semantics, that's just how I saw the statements come off as, and I know it comes out of passion. Nothing wrong with it, but there are times when a dissenting opinion just merits a response of "ok cool," instead of a "this isn't a valid opinion." Again, just a point of caution.


    4. It is not a misrepresentation of the situation, and I didn't say you disagreed with the revised CoC. I was referring to others asking for more transparency as to how the new policies are enforced, and more information on what is considered off limits so that the community can be more informed as to where lines are drawn. There's a difference between "Spartan is banned for cheating" and "Spartan is banned for deleting updates off of other players 3 months after the updates we approved." One is inherently more informative than the other, specifically only addresses the offending party, and does not provide any information about anyone potentially impacted by the offender's actions. That's what people were asking for. Not the juicy details of any and every situation.

    1.) that was one of those "in the heat of the moment" unedited things. however I said it so ill deal with the fallback for that. 

    2.) I guess where I was trying to come from is their is inactivity in the M as well, but the difference is the E is new and we are still trying to Filter up players so its not. but saying the E is bad and not giving a reason, or explaining it properly could push off the very members we need to keep it active. if that makes sense. 

    3.) no i get that, i own the mistakes ive made in regards to egging people on. I am a fighter and a strong personality and I guess im still learning how to harness that in in a group setting. 

    4.) This i think comes form modern day "Transparency" can be interpreted differently. had people laid it out as you had I dont think i would have reacted as i did. that being said I agree with how you laid that out and i agree to that extent yes. 

  8. 44 minutes ago, Spartan said:

    1. )Out of curiosity, what pre-existing issues are you referring to that are getting applied specifically to the VHLE? The main arguments against the E that I've seen is lower PF that is significant to a max earner, an extra season en route to the VHL, and a higher IA % than any other league. I'm a clear proponent of the E and have expressed skepticism of the anti-E sentiment as well, but I don't get this "blaming for pre-VHLE issues" argument against the people who don't like the E. 


    2.) Yeah this is an odd gray area here, where I think that people are allowed to have opinions without needing to explain them - except if they're a decision maker and need to back up an action. I also think that an opinion of "this adds an extra season between me and the VHL" isn't something you can demand evidence for. It's literally just an "I don't like this" and that is perfectly valid for someone to say. Ferk's comment here about inactive players is an opinion that also provides some statistic. Whether it's 100% accurate or not, I don't know, but I have seen inactivity numbers in the VHLE and they are more significant in number than in the VHLM or VHL.


    3.) Just an overall word of caution that just because you don't necessarily agree with an opinion doesn't mean you get to invalidate it if it isn't presented to your standards, especially when you're asking for discussion and opinions.


    4.) More of an aside, but I just found this funny. When change occurs, people ask tough questions. It seems those tough questions aren't welcome though. Only the "tough" questions asked that lead to change you're in favor with seem to be acceptable. I've seen you try to shut down a lot of CoC questions in the past simply because you didn't like the questions being asked, or that you didn't agree with where they were coming from. Change is a two-sided coin, there will be proponents and dissonance to any change. People not liking specific changes does not mean the league as a whole does not "handle change well," it just means that people have opinions and that's perfectly natural. I don't know why you needed this odd jab in a post that otherwise was in good taste and presented with good intentions.


    5.) Writing off people who care about their earning is definitely not the proper look. 1 tpe per week over the course of the entire season adds up. It's more than a doubles week, and you don't even lose any contract money for it. Granted, I won't say that the VHLE "sucks" because PF drops from 2 to 1. If that's your logic, you're not going to like the VHL either :P

    I numbered things just so you know what parts of this im addressing. nothing else was edited I swear. 

    1.) some of the other arguments I saw was about the 1 TPE change, and Yes that is a good chunk of TPE. but you wanting to max earn and get as much TPE as possible In my opinion, and my opinion only that not a good enough argument by its self as to why you should write off an entire league. (the VHLE)

    2.) I have not once denied the Inactivity, my thing about it that was simply its still so new so Inactivity is unavoidable for some teams. it was an execution error and didnt take time to formulate my thoughts properly on that. I own that. 

    3.) never invalidated anyone opinion. but thanks, ill remember that for next time. 

    4.) so this is a misrepresentation of the situation, you know that so lets not try to paint it as something its not. I agree with the C.O.C and i have alos pointed out when its flawed. thats documented. What I was arguing was what people felt entitled to know certain information in certain cases when they were not involved. thats it. I was not arguing the C.O.C or what was being asked. 

    5.) again i didn't Write of anyone, i was just syaing his need for more TPE I dont feel is a good enough argument to oppose the VHLE. 

    The article was poorly executed, and rushed, I own that. I stand by my words and I wont appologize for them. just next time ill take more time to make sure my thoughts are worded out more clearly, and the article reads more nuetral. a good learning experience here for me. 

  9. Here is a Family Friendly, Safe, Quiet VHL.com article. It is part 2 of the Playlist of Ariane Leblanc. This week will not be showtunes unfortunately. Shame I know, maybe next week. 

    Barbie Girl (1997) - this is one of Ariane’s Favorite songs, however she will never tell you that. This is her lets get drunk and sing this at the top of her lungs in an oversized Tshirt song. She will belt this song out in french in the comfort of her living room. In the locker room in Ottawa she will sit stone faced listening to it only tapping her skate every now and then. 

    MMMbop (1997) - This is one that she blasts in the locker room right before practice to ease the tension in the room. The whole team just takes a second to Jam and yell out the catchy chorus from the Hanson Kids.  

    Shake it off (2014) - this is her hype up, this is her Anthem, this is the song she rocks out to most and had the most plays on her spotify (cause apple music is booty). This is one of the few English songs she listens too and one day hopes to see Taylor live. 

    202 words

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