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Everything posted by Tate

  1. 100% Yes and no, definitely overall agree... just not the fact that it would have been worse without them. When the SBA dropped their affiliate with us did Bek go wild and bring the hammer down on Josh? No. He took his time and tried to navigate it as best as he could, and be as fair as he could. I may not agree with Bek all the time, but that is good leadership. I think this version of the mod team has had a negative effect on the league and it stems from the top. AMEN Fair.
  2. Can I get a C! And an’ Oooooo! Now a P! And an O-U-T!! What is mandated is a safe environment, and you’ve shown today that you offer no such thing in your position of leadership. It’s interesting how you think of my opinions of being old world, when I am far more accepting, and frankly - kind than you are. All you’ve done today is try to drag me through mud, when in reality I’ve just tried to make you see that we stand on the same ground. Yikes bro. Yikes.
  3. Cop out response btw. Also, let me define the threat because this is important for everyone in this league to understand. If @Baozitruly disagrees with those simplistic values of him and I not being alike - how can I possibly trust him to approach a situation that involves discipline with members of this league in good faith? He has shown here that he cannot be trusted to do that, and literally has admitted to so. What a bad, bad look, for a person who is supposed to be our head Mod.
  4. It’s not at all unfortunate for me. What I find most interesting is now after this interaction I feel bad for you. It’s a shame you feel the way you do, and it has never been more clear to me now that you should step down. We need a leader who does share those values, especially if the culture we want to build is one that strives to be safe. It’s clear you’re a threat in your position and I do hope that both @Beketovand @Josh take good notice.
  5. Again, you prove my point, and again - you are wrong. We are alike. We are all brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers, and so on. People who want love and to love, want shelter and to provide. Strive to be better than we are. Your glaring mistake here is your inability to recognize that. Such is why you’re a poor leader.
  6. Don't worry @Achilles about the opinion of a person who said that another human being should have been aborted. But what I find hard to accept is that somehow that same person is the head mod??? The person who is just as/if not more aggressive in Discord than I have ever been in my entire time here. That's why it's ironic @Baozi and that's why you shouldn't be in the role that you are. The reality is that everyone makes mistakes, it's how we respond from them. All you've done today is proven in your responses that you are ill equipped for this role. You turn your nose up towards us, like you're somehow a better person than me or Achilles, when in reality you're just like us. That's where your team gets in wrong. Punishment is never the answer. Communication, understanding, learning. Now, that's a beautiful thing. Something you oughta take note of.
  7. You're a terrible representation of leadership here, and that's just my opinion. Just like you're allowed to have yours.
  8. Remember, leadership stems from the top.
  9. I was never warned in the EFL nor did I have any issues there. The irony is that your recent suspension is THE example for why you should not be a mod.
  10. Point proven. Are you talking about me or JR? Because I only had one issue in one server so get your facts straight Mr. Hotshot.
  11. No, they didn't blame it on the pandemic - it's just that there's been a big drop off since the return to work/school aspect of the pandemic ending.
  12. There's a saying that goes something along the lines of, "It's not in bad taste so long as it tastes good," and this article/post is quite delicious. There is a sentence in JR's Repeat Offender edition that stands out to me, and that is that the Mod team, "lets their personal feelings affect how they do the job," and that is something I would whole heartedly agree. T-Minus five seconds until they disagree with me. Being a Mod is a hard job, but this team in particular enforces too harsh of penalties for things that should not be penalized with suspensions or bans. I also think some of have been doing it too long like @Baozi who I have seen hand out swift mutes for things that just annoy him. It's not a big surprise why Gen chat has fallen off (I for one never go there because the last time I did I got suspended) or why we see lower retention numbers than ever before (and I hate to tell you, it's not all on the pandemic). Y'all are way too sensitive and this recent suspension of JR is a prime example. I know how controversial of a person JR can be, but that was a joke of a suspension and especially for the length of time that it was. The emphasis should be on teaching and coaching. Only extreme situations should be dealt with as harshly as JR was.
  13. Gimme' dat gimme' dat TeePeeEee!!!!!
  14. 1. Since the birth rate is down in the United States, should people be required to have at least one child? 2. Is limiting immigration to developed countries right? 3. Does democracy work for every country? 4. Does faith make belief stronger? 5. Should people have the right to live and travel anywhere they wish with no state or country boundaries? 6. Why can’t every person be a genius?
  15. So, I've reached a point where I'm feeling pretty good about my build, and other than the fact that I love to apply TPE to my player I'm thinking I should do the, "right," thing and start banking. I'm thinking I should call it on my build as is, and the main reason why is longevity. Since I decided to go straight to the VHL instead of the VHLE I will be hit with one more season of depreciation and it is because of that, that I feel so strongly about beginning my banking journey now. I also believe you don't have to max your player to be effective and even be a star in this league, and while I don't have my eyes set necessarily on being a star I do have them set on winning. I think by taking this approach now I'll be giving the Wolves an extended chance of taking home the cup. Maybe even starting this postseason? It's a lot to hope for and looking at the murderers row we'll have to go through to get the cup it will be a hell of a battle ahead of us. But I like a challenge, and I've got the best kind of pack in front of me - ready to fight. Ready to win!
  16. 1. At this point of the season, what has been the highlight for the Vancouver Wolves to date? The true culmination of a team, and a new generation of Wolves to represent Vancouver. In one single offseason our GM @Frank has single handedly changed the fortune of the team. Now it's our time to pay him back come the postseason! 2. Three games remaining as I write this press conference so what expectation or any goals do you have remaining for these three games? (Team or player) I am hoping we can finish strong and head into the playoffs with momentum. I do really believe that anything is possible this year. 3. Do you think we can still catch Calgary Wranglers for first in the conference with the three games remaining? Does it matter if we finish first? I think we can but it doesn't matter, we have proven ourselves to be a strong regular season team. 4. Looking ahead to the first round of the play-offs, who would you like to meet in the first round of the play-offs? Why? Any one of the North American contenders are formidable opponents and it's going to sound crazy but let's try and get Seattle out of the way. They're always a threat no matter what round. 5. Let’s assume we get through the conference of death and make it to the Continental Cup Finals, who would you like to meet in the finals? Why? For the same reason as Seattle in the previous question, I want Warsaw. If you're going to win, why not make it glorious? 6. Fill in the blank: Vancouver Wolves will be Continental Champions if it all goes to plan. We need to score and we need to defend if we're going to win!
  17. “To bank, or not to bank: that is the question. Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to apply TP, And benefit from the saves and percentages of outrageous fortune, Or to take pads against a sea of forwards and offensive defensemen, And by failing to stop them? To lose: to weep. No more! It is by a glove save we will end, The heartache of what a thousand boos gives way to For alas, ‘tis a failure we’ll never know, and instead, Thou shall devoutly wish us to WIN and weep! So now, I sleep, perchance I dream of a special rub. My head against the cup, a birth of what dreams may come, Only then will I shuffle off this slick ice, Only then will I pause, feeling what’s right Respect from the glory of winning! After all, it is all we desire of this so-called living. To bank, or not to bank: that is the question.” (158 words)
  18. 1. Is a family still relevant in the modern world? 2. If aliens attack, what will we do? 3. What is true love? 4. Do guns protect people or kill people? 5. What is true strength? 6. Will racism cease to exist? 7. How do you know that your experience of consciousness is the same as other people’s experience of consciousness?
  19. Well hi there, Tategators! We deliver a special episode of No Fuhr this week due to our Theme Week. We'd also like to extend a huge thank you to our kick ass producer @Phil, you da man!
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