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  1. Like
    Scurvy reacted to Banackock for a status update, I’m not a liberal. I’m not a conservative. I’m none of those labels. I vote for what   
    I’m not a liberal. I’m not a conservative. I’m none of those labels. I vote for what represents me, my family, the world I wish to see it become.. sometimes it’s NDP. Sometimes it’s been conservative. I swear I tossed in a vote during the pandemic for JT too just to spite the far right when they were doing blockades and using all their intelligence to shut down highways and spread conspiracies.. 
    All the examples I can think of but the most recent is when Trudeau was in BC and a woman approached him. He responded appropriately, and she told him to get the fuck out of “her” province and acted so embarrassingly towards him.. 
    Is this what we’ve become as humans? To walk up to people and tell them to get the fuck out and bring such hatred and depression to other human beings.. such ugliness will n this world we have, hey? We attack governments because we disagree and overthrow shit etc. We’re so oblivious to ourselves.. we judge other cultures for being bad.. and everything we say others do wrong, if you really look, WE DO IT TOO!  
    I do think this is a good move. If not a good move, inevitable. He was losing the next election. Just remember in 7 years when stuff is still the same, government is government. It’s all the same bull shit
  2. Like
    Scurvy got a reaction from der meister for a status update, 3 years in VHL this week! Man, time flies. Thanks y'all for making this such a fun le   
    3 years in VHL this week!   Man, time flies.  Thanks y'all for making this such a fun league
  3. Fire
    Scurvy got a reaction from Subject056 for a status update, 3 years in VHL this week! Man, time flies. Thanks y'all for making this such a fun le   
    3 years in VHL this week!   Man, time flies.  Thanks y'all for making this such a fun league
  4. Cheers
    Scurvy got a reaction from Garsh for a status update, 3 years in VHL this week! Man, time flies. Thanks y'all for making this such a fun le   
    3 years in VHL this week!   Man, time flies.  Thanks y'all for making this such a fun league
  5. Cheers
    Scurvy reacted to dlamb for a status update, No forum post needed, but I am sad to announce here that after 3 seasons and a Rennai   
    No forum post needed, but I am sad to announce here that after 3 seasons and a Rennaissance Cup, I have stepped down from my position as GM of the Oslo Storm. 
    Thank you to all players, management, commissioners, and VHLE fans for the opportunity to jump back into GMing. Especially to those Storm members in S92 and S94 who stuck around with their heads held high after some tough losing seasons.
    You have not seen the last of GM Lamb, as he will hopefully one day look to become the 2nd GM in history to win a championship in all 3 leagues.
  6. Like
    Scurvy reacted to badcolethetitan for a status update, All E GMs, please send me a message if you’re interested in drafting me. Literally yo   
    All E GMs, please send me a message if you’re interested in drafting me. Literally you can just say you want to pick me, if you don’t want to take a lot of time. I just want to connect and speak with my future GM.  
  7. Sad
    Scurvy reacted to oilmandan for a status update, I guess GMs don’t reach out to newly acquired players anymore?   
    I guess GMs don’t reach out to newly acquired players anymore? 
  8. Like
    Scurvy got a reaction from Thunder for a status update,   
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