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Everything posted by Jericho

  1. We know he and I both lied about being sheriffs. I told you why I have, he hasn't.
  2. Like Doom I totally get your logic line here, its rock solid but if you guess wrong today the game is basically done. Mike hasn't given any explanation for who he actually is. He's just sitting and watching the finger get pointed. Maybe hear what he has to say before shooting your shot, because everything you said about the town needing a mafia dead today is true.
  3. Have I actually been seen going anywhere? We had like 10 people claim TIs and obviously those arent all legit. I lied about going places, but I don't remember if I was actually seen or not. We still have a 4 mafia and 3 neutrals in play don't forget.
  4. See stuff like this is what throws me, nobody who's an actual innocent person talks like this. I'm convinced he's the serial killer but I'm also saying we leave him alone today because we need a mafia kill. Hence why my vote is still for Mike.
  5. I piggy backed on Mike's lie. There are two scenerios in which are possible here, only one of which makes sense for me to make the moves I did. Either I was the executioner, I saw a play after Mike accused my guy and took it to get my win, or I was mafia and worked with Mike to kill Devise. If I'm mafia I would know Devise was a legit tracker and then I've just outed myself AND Mike, as half the mafia ik order to kill one tracker. That doesn't make any sense. I suppose there is a third option that I actually am the Jester and I'm playing you all like a fiddle, but take that with a grain of salt. My moves have been smart for the executioner or stupid for mafia, depends on which person you think I am.
  6. To be clear I don't think we hang Caboose today, because I agree wholeheartedly that mafia is the bigger threat currently, which is why you may notice my vote is currently on Mike, who I suspect is Mafia. I just want some heat on Caboose so that when tomorrow he tells us Spartan or NSG is good and gives us no useful info we made note of that today. I think Caboose is the serial killer and we keep an eye on that.
  7. You haven't argued a case one in the last three days, all you do is post your "readings" and get offended if someone questions you. You didn't convince anyone of your innocence yesterday you made a flimsy excuse about being sleepy and then went "Jeez guys come on this happens to everyone" a few times. I dunno man, an innocent townie would logic out the best way for the town to win from the hot seat, like Devise did yesterday. A mafia member trying to blend in would have a hard time doing that, especially if they're a bad liar.
  8. You're deflecting again, just like yesterday. Actually now that I think about it your readings haven't been useful once. On odd days you've accused someone who already had hest from the town and on day 2 you told us that NSG was good, which was already confirmed and useless. This reeks of fake readings designed by a serial killer tbh.
  9. It is worth discussing the note about Caboose and his serial killerness. We excused his fuckup with names yesterday, but a serial killer posing as a psychic would easily have made that mistake. A regular psychic would probably have copy pasted Eagles results from discord to the thread. He also wasn't super convincing in his argument. He seemed to be protest a little too much when called on it imo.
  10. Vote Mike Fake sheriff recognizes other fake sheriff.
  11. Ok gotcha, I didn't realize that was a thing the Jester could do. That is a big risk though. So far no mafia have died AND there's a serial killer running around. If I'm not the Jester that's one less vote the town has left. Even worse if I am the Jester and the person I kill IS a townie that's two townies you've killed, heading into another night where the mafia and Serial Killer will be killing someone else. I actually love your logic assuming I'm the Jester, but even if you're right it's too late in the game to be a viable strategy. And if you're wrong the Mafia is dangerously close to their win.
  12. Wouldn't the mafia be fine with lynching me if I was the Jester? I'm not following your logic.
  13. So full disclosure guys, I was actually the executioner. Devise was my target and I've gotten my win. I got really lucky that Mike called Devise sus as a sheriff on Day 2 and gave me the opening to check him out as a fake sheriff and basically waltz into that win. Super lucky I picked sheriff as my fake role to kick things off and happened to get someone to throw shade on him first day but luck can be just as good as skill, so thanks Mike!
  14. Well gang, I managed to get Anime Protagonist to start a few games. After Saskatoon was eliminated from the playoff race Doomsday was kind enough to give me the remaining three starts. Somehow, despite my absolute trash TPE and skill numbers, we went undefeated in the final three games of the season. Clearly this means I'm the greatest goalie in VHLM history. As everyone knows, if you cherry-pick a single stat to backup a ludicrous claim, anyone who disputes it is a hater who doesn't know what they're talking about. Am I looking to improve for my VHLM Draft season? Of course not, you can't top perfection. I'll just have to maintain it as best I can. I also want to give a shoutout to Eagles for his sick Town of Salem game. I know it's usually run by someone else, and I don't want to steal their sunshine, but I've only participated in the one so far. Eagles is doing a bang up job bringing a really cool social dynamic to the league. As someone who's been gone a while and doesn't know a lot of the newer big names it's a cool way to reintegrate into the league and get to chat with these guys.
  15. That would be ideal. I was bummed when Hatter died investigating me because I'd be clear but that's a good mafia move because they get a TI out without pointing any fingers at themselves. Don't forget that Devise's tracker claim came after I announced where I went. I told everyone I went to Barocka before any info came out. We have nothing to confirm any of Devise's whereabouts except a dead body. We have two sheriffs confirming him as sus.
  16. Well that's what I'm saying. If we kill you we get info on Mike and I either way. If you're evil Mike is clear and I get a step in that direction as well. If you're good I've just outted Mike and myself by pushing you. If I'm evil that doesnt make any sense to take that trade. If I'm good though, it absolutely does
  17. I also had no claims against myself for today, and I confirmed Mike's results from yesterday. If I was evil and lied about that I'm outting myself when we lynch him. If, however I was a sherriff then we have a very small list of people to worry about since my innocence also proves Mike's innocence.
  18. This would confirm OMG's whereabouts then right? We know the mafia went to Hatter's because he's pushing daisies and Omg claimed he was roleblocked last night. This would prove that if I'm not mistaken?
  19. Actually now that I think about it had Doomsday claimed anything? I don't recall one but I'm on Mobile so I can't go check easily. Not to hot seat you but I think you and Ricer are the only ones left unrolled
  20. True, though if anyone followed me last night or was watching Devise's place they can confirm my location from yesterday.
  21. Ricer also hasn't claimed anything, but he was at least involved in the discussion a bit yesterday. I didn't realize Osens was even in the game until you posted that
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