It's just the way STHS is programmed for byes. It's essentially assuming Stockholm and Seattle won their first round series without having to play a game. If there was two teams in each conference playing in the first round, it would go from 1-28 or whatever the maximum number of games would be in the first round. You'll notice this again when Quebec and Cologne both lose in 5. Sure, the EU game 5 will be 26 or whatever, but Round 2 will begin with game 31 or something like that. It's been like that ever since we've expanded.
As to the VHL being fishy, I don't exactly understand how. I'm the only one that can really alter results, and not only do I have no player and thus vested interested in how the VHL shakes out (never mind the time to actually bother), it would be almost impossible to detect even if I did. That's why I try to do live playoff sims when I have stakes in the games. But sometimes I don't because I can't be bothered. I mean, I've probably been upset more in playoffs than vice versa, not to mention I don't see the point in playing if you know you're going to win, and the other team has just as many people hoping and deserving a win as well. Any time I do live sim is more of a formality than an actual safeguard.