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Everything posted by JardyB10

  1. The original post says that all of Moscow's "under contract" players are going to be randomly assigned to VHLM teams for the remainder of their contracts. Dwyer suggested putting them in the draft instead, which isn't that bad of idea, even if you are drafting them for lower terms.
  2. Yeah I don't recall this ever happening. Mind you I didn't notice this trade until today, but that has no small part to do with the fact that playoffs ended yesterday and why would I be checking the Trade forum before that when trades clearly aren't allowed that day? And even if it did happen before, it was probably a minor trade like this one where, yes, it ultimately doesn't matter that it took place a little early. And I get that late playoffs can be a little dull for those out of it, but by that same token the off-season is a week long, I don't know why you guys have to immediate blow your load on little deals like this. We maybe could implement some contingent playoff "off-season" rules, but that's a BOG thing, not a "just do it" thing. The VHL was caught up though (EU Game 7 and VHL Finals Game 1 were simmed the same night), and the only reason it was a day behind in the first place is because Calgary was a worse team than I anticipated and couldn't even beat Seattle in 5 . So stop making shit up you sucker of many dicks!
  3. I agree. At least not through the main draft.
  4. We should maybe let them re-create this week but not earn TPE for the new player, so they can get in the VHLM draft.
  5. S52 will be better and brighter.... AT CLEGANEBOWL II: THE LEGEND-MAKER!! airhorn.wav
  6. I know, but this season was his first season of those three, if I'm not mistaken (which I don't think I am). So he still has two more to go.
  7. mfw I realize I've spent the better part of the last five hours on Cleganebowl.
  8. Yeah, hit that bottle as hard as you need.
  9. It would be 2, but yeah. I just drafted him this season.
  10. For old times sake:
  11. In universe; take that you piece of shit I'm glad you're dead! In reality, it was a well-fought battle. Despite coming up just short, Greg deserves the Kanou fo' sho. #KanouFoSho Super congrats to Toronto for getting this ridiculously close to setting a nearly unbreakable record. But more congrats to my team in #Davos! We did it this time! Toast is the best, Green is even better, Robbie, Shawn, DT, Lunaro, Evans are all okay as well. WE DID IT!!!!
  13. Can someone confirm for me that there's audio?
  14. The moment you've all been waiting for... SUMMARY The stream in all it's overextended glory can be viewed below. The action begins at ~7:40. https://www.twitch.tv/jardyb10/v/102169519
  15. No, but that would be super neat. Like an NHL 20XX simulation where they do period by period. And maybe in an hour or something.
  16. I promptly left to go drinking after this sim. It was Friday night, you think I just sit around on your whims and wishes of a Game 7? You think I'm not going to take the time to HYPE the most HYPEd game in league history? A game written and confirmed by prophets? This is the first Game 7 in league history you people choose to be double simmed? No, I think not. Even if I was around. To make it up for you I'll just sim a round a day next year, just to get it over with. And then I'll sim the regular season a quarter at a time, just to get that over with.
  17. Little does everyone know those cursors were simming thousands of games until the result I wanted came up. That's why I only capture the one window! (Also because it doesn't seem to want to capture my whole monitor...)
  19. The stream has begun.
  20. SUMMARY You can watch the broadcast here: https://www.twitch.tv/jardyb10/v/101914980 DAILY HYPE HYPE HYPE HYPE!!!
  21. Woo! One more! I don't want to be disappointed in two leagues at the same time!
  22. THE STREAM HAS BEGUN! Simulation will occur in T-5 minutes.
  23. I had to run outside and do stuff quickly, I didn't want to be late.
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