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Everything posted by aimkin

  1. Hello all. Thank you for hiring me as the new commissioner. I hope that together we can make this league the happiest one on Earth. So, as the new commissioner of the VHL, I have some changes that I would like to make. I’m sure you are all dying to know what I am going to do; with baited breath and on the edge of your seats. I’m sure all of my decisions will be super popular and not create any problems for the league, the site, or cause us to hemorrhage members. 1. All members must pay an entry fee every day that they log into the site. The site will be broken up into five sections (parks, if you will) and you will have to pay to enter each section of the site. Unless you buy a section hopping bundle which will allow you to visit all parts of the site. However, it will cost eight times as much instead of five times as much. Also if you purchase a section hopping bundle, you must decide the day before which section you want access to first. You may only access that section first and once you leave, you will not be able to return to that section until the following day, assuming you once again purchase a site pass. 2. Inclusion of the LGBTQIA+ community will be relegated to Pride Month only and really only for a few evenings for adults and some performative activism. But don’t worry, our stores will be filled with merchandise because even though our care and support is surface level, our desire to suck every dollar from our customers runs deep in these capitalistic times. 3. While the VHL does not currently have an overall mascot, that will be changing. We are currently working hard to find any and all loopholes in the legal system to change the laws around the public domain so that we can steal other people’s ideas and characters only to then close the loophole behind us and hold onto the characters for infinity and beyond. 4. We will be starting to hire staff who will have to pay initially to join our staff and will be paid well below a living wage so that they must rely on the VHL for most of their basic needs such as food, clothing and housing. We will also make them work long hours in hot temperatures slaving away at the coding in order to make the VHL as profitable as possible. And when those staff members are inevitably treated poorly by trolls, we will take some performative steps in order to show that we support our staff members. However, nothing will actually change and we will continue to let them be treated like trash. 5. Finally, we will be building a whole new part of the site that will cost hundreds of millions of dollars to put together, and will cost every person who wishes to access it at least $5,000 for a minimum of 2 days and nights. 504 words for week ending 7/9/2023
  2. 1. Not afraid, but not thrilled when I see them. 2. Nope. I moo. 3. Classic Hershey's. 4. Cold! Snuggle under all the blankets and there are only so many layers you can take off when it's hot. 5. Mostly me unless she's not happy with the set temp lol. 6. Yes! But only from inside lol.
  3. About a third of the way into the season and Jesse Teno might finally be starting to find their stride this season. With 22 games put away, Teno has a 12-7-3 record including 3 shutouts. So far, Teno has managed 3 shutouts every season since they took up starting goalie in London. Can they get at least one more to break their personal season record? Jesse is also sitting at a respectable 0.937 save percentage and 2.18 goals against average. Currently among goalies they sit at 6th in wins, 10th in losses, 7th in OT losses, 2nd in save percentage, 5th in goals against average (right behind friend Lachlan Summers), tied for first in shutouts, and tied for 4th in assists (1). All this to say that Jesse is, once again, sitting at 6th overall among goalies with a minimum 13 games played. This is a very familiar spot for Teno to be in and some might say it’s a comfortable one. Given the success last season, there’s nothing to worry about at this moment with Teno’s production. 180 words for week ending 7/2/2023
  4. 1. Lately it's been Punk Rock Factory and Sub-radio 2. Charmed as my comfort show but Stargate SG-1 as my all-time 3. The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (the original) 4. Eragon / The Inheritance Cycle 5. Tetris and LEGO Star Wars 6. I tried! My mom has been knitting for nearly 20 years and I gave it a shot in college but I don't have the patience for it.
  5. During the off season, we followed Jesse Teno as they spent their time off working with the Teno Foundation to continue to bring hockey and hockey equipment to underprivileged youth. As of today, the Teno Foundation has raised $1.5 million which has allowed them to provide lessons, equipment, and support to over 5,000 children ages 3 to 18. The money has also been invested into local rinks to fix surfaces, re-line rinks, build out concession stands, and install bleachers. With the volunteers and Jesse Teno’s support from their professional sponsors, the foundation has been able to provide incredible experiences for kids who otherwise would never have been able to afford them. We decided to look into a day of both a volunteer for the organization and Jesse themselves to get a feel for how this still fledgling foundation is doing so well. It was a Saturday morning when we entered Riley Rink in Manchester, Vermont, the home town of Jesse Teno and the unofficial headquarters of the Teno Foundation. When you walk in, you can still smell the hint of fresh paint, the bleachers still glisten, and the food stand smells like actual food and not built up grease. It’s hard to tell that this was once a community rink with cracks in the cement floor and nothing more than a microwave and fridge for concessions. When asked about the quality of the improvements, Jesse Teno had this to say; “I know it’s not the nicest community rink in the world but really this foundation is about giving kids an overall good experience so that they can succeed; not to make some state of the art high-tech facility. Maybe one day we can do that but right now, the funding is enough to bring kids an elevation from the basics and that’s what matters.” For the day that we followed them around, Jesse spent most of their time in meetings with volunteers and companies to plan the next renovations. As the volunteers exited, some headed out of the building to work on other projects while a few changed into coaching gear for the group of kids who had lessons that day. The foundation is offering lessons for kids starting at five years old going all the way up to eighteen. Today’s group at the rink were about a dozen middle schoolers, about thirteen years old, who all had some experience playing hockey. But thanks to the Teno Foundation, these kids were able to experience real drills and practice. We spoke with some of them and one of the boys stated “it’s a lot of fun. I like having someone who is like a real coach. I want to play in the VHL one day so it’s good that we can do this.” “Honestly, it’s amazing helping these kids,” said one of the college-age volunteers. “It’s a lot of fun teaching them the basics and watching them grow into their abilities. I think a few of them might actually have what it takes to make it big one day.” It seems that all around, the Teno Foundation is having a substantial impact on the community; on both the kids and volunteers. Jesse has certainly made a difference in these kids' lives and we hope that the foundation can continue to be successful and bring hockey to even more kids in the future. 563 words for week ending 7/2/2023
  6. Faaaaack F - Igor Molotov
  7. F - The Board Game Clue on Skates G - Henry Tucker Jr. @JB123
  8. Just under one week into S89 and Jesse Teno is playing a song they’ve sung before; another struggle out of the gate - which is surprising given the radical success they had during the playoffs. 7 games played and Jesse has a 3-3-1 record which isn’t unusual for the veteran goalie but definitely shows their continued struggles at the beginning of every season so far. Hopefully they will pick up the pace once more as they work off the playoff hangover that seems to be the reason this time around. These few games to start the season have also done some good for the London goalie. As of 3 wins ago, Jesse has moved into the 2nd all-time wins for London United, only 22 wins behind current all-time winning London goalie Cole Pearce. Given Jesse’s past seasons, I think it’s safe to say that they will take that 1st place spot soon enough. Also by the end of the season, Jesse will overtake Pearce and Tater Tot for most games played by a goalie for London as well, passing their 188 and 200 games played respectively. Also also, Jesse only needs 2 more shutouts to tie Pearce for that record as well. It’s also no surprise that with the historic run for the Continental Cup that Jesse Teno has also taken 1st place in all categories for the playoffs in team history. Most games won (15), played (23), most shutouts (4), highest save percentage (0.949), and lowest goals against average (1.92). With plans to stay in London for the long term, it will be interesting to see what records Jesse can set and leave behind. And if London can make it back to the playoffs, Jesse might be able to give future London goalies a real run for their money. 301 words for weeks ending 6/25/2023 and 7/2/2023
  9. 1. Bauer 2. Spicy pork and broccoli! 3. Nope. Jesse stays awake by sheer will. 4. Light blue gatorade. 5. White. Makes it harder for shooters to see it. 6. Jesse likes to run up and down the halls praising Simon.
  10. F - Florida Man D - Velociraptor Greg @JB123
  11. F - Tomas Sogaard D - Mo Probert @JB123
  12. Amazing leadership team! Let's gooooo!
  13. 1. Right 2. Formidable! 3. I want to know Leonard Triller is so damn bad ass. 4. Molly the Cat for sure. How could they with no opposable thumbs??? 5. I think Siyan. 6. Probably 2nd or 3rd.
  14. Love love love! So happy to see your progress over the whole season. I remember how pumped we all were for that hat trick. I cannot wait to see what Leonard does this coming season!
  15. Glad to see you finally making the big move!
  16. “And the winner of the S88 Daisuke Kanou Trophy is awarded to…. Jesse Teno!” Jesse stands from their seat as the crowd cheered, though none louder than their teammates in attendance who whooped for their goalie. Jesse walked down the aisle to the large stage, ascended the stairs, and took the trophy with a smile before approaching the microphone. “This is seriously such an honor, especially to be up against Molly and Siyan, my amazing teammates. You guys deserve this just as much as I do. And to be nominated alongside Xavier Booberry is also a great honor. I want to thank the Board of Governors for this award and I want to thank my whole London United team from the guys I share the ice with to our GM Jacob and to all the people working at the arena. I would not be here today without all of you having my back.” Jesse raises the trophy before saying, “Thanks for the trophy, and I promise I’ll try not to dent it!” They then give a slight bow before heading stage left. 182 words for week ending 6/18/2023
  17. Thanks BOG for the award! I promise not to dent the trophy. 

  18. Thank you! You've been doing amazing yourself. Keep it up!
  19. Thanks for the correction! Just means I'll have to work harder to catch up. lol
  20. One year in the VHL. Holy shit. I can’t believe I stuck with my first ever sim league for a year with no signs of losing interest. 52 weeks of writing, creating, earning, chatting and learning. It feels like it went by so fast and I think that since I took my 6-month look back to talk about all the amazing people I have met and the community, I wanted to look back at myself as a user on this forum and see what I have accomplished in my first year. For those who follow me, you know I pump out decent content every week. Whether it’s my articles, media spots, the few meh graphics I’ve done, or my recent attempt at a podcast, I always put 100% in (except for that one graphic; thank you spartan for accepting it during tax season). Along with responding to 50 Press Conferences, I have produced the following content: 33 Media Spots 51 Articles 10 Graphics 3 Podcasts I have also contributed to the seasonal VHL donation 6 times, won 4 days, gained 7 followers, had 1 recruit, and have gained a forum reputation of 560. All of this has put me at an average weekly earning of 20.5 TPE and a current total TPE of 1,095. I still remember when I was fighting just to get to a few hundred so I could make any impact with my player. Believe it or not, because it took a minute for me to realize, I have 5 seasons behind me with Jesse. I’ve spent time with 3 teams (Saskatoon, Cologne, London), have no awards, and 1 recently earned cup. But being 5 seasons into a full VHLM to VHL career means that my time with Jesse is almost half-way over. I do plan on keeping them for the full 9 VHL seasons but it’s weird to think that in about another year, I’ll be making a whole new player. Don’t worry, I plan to enjoy and cherish every day from now until then. Recently I also managed to get into 3rd for my draft class and probably not too far from catching up to Henry Eagles @Greg_Di. The fight to catch up to John Jameson @Frank however, is definitely far off in the distance. But then again, I’ve still got 5 seasons so see if I can pull it off. I think the one thing I’ve done in the VHL that I wish I could continue to do, is be in a leadership role. I really enjoyed being AGM for San Diego under Jacob for 2 seasons but with my work schedule from January to April the way it is, I know that I cannot in good conscience take any sort of leadership role within a team. I had once thought that GMing would be way above my abilities and it’s sad to think that a little more education and knowledge and I could have had a shot at actually doing it. I think it’s safe to say that I’ve had not only a productive but a quite successful first year in the VHL. I am definitely looking forward to the next one. 531 words for week ending 6/18/2023
  21. 1. Never been but if I went, I would have to do it glamping style. 2. Yes! Joined the ProAm for the first time, and got selected for Team USA in the WJC! 3. Just getting to see Jesse's performance in a different scenario. 4. Depends if he's an ogre in a field talking to a donkey. If so, then yes. 5. Being able to rack up all the TPE without having to worry about current performances. 6. Having to come up with media spot topics.
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