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Everything posted by Uncommon

  1. Kimmy Jimmel: "Alright! Welcome back, fans! So, we've been off of the air for a couple of months now due to some technical difficulties here at the studio. All thanks to our beloved technician, Rusty Nails, we're up and running and happy to be back in business. Thanks again, Rusty. I'd also like to thank all of our viewers out there listening in. We couldn't do it without loyal fans like you. (long pause) Joining us tonight we have a young VHLM defensemen named Jack Jeckler. You might have heard that Jeckler was recently signed by the San Diego Marlins. Stay tuned through this commercial break for the whole story here on The Gimmie with Kimmy here on 103.5 and 103.9 The Ledge! (sound effects)(commercial break) Kimmy Jimmel: "We're back and I'd like to welcome, Jack Jeckler, to the fourth episode of The Gimmie with Kimmy. Welcome!" Jack Jeckler: "Thank you, Kimmy. It's really good to be here. I'm really happy to see The Gimmie returning to the airwaves." Kimmy Jimmel: "Me too! Thank you, Jack. Let's dive right in then. It seems like only yesterday that you're name came into the VHLM conversation. What's your background? How long have you been playing ice hockey?" Jack Jeckler: "Sure, sure. I know I'm a new prospect coming in late to the season but I'll still be playing my heart out. I was born in New York, New York and I've been playing ice hockey ever since the very first time my father tied my skates on. I think I was four or five years old? I was actually a bit of a slow learner but I stuck to it and practiced hard. Yeah, I really loved it and never gave it up." Kimmy Jimmel: "That's good! It's always great to hear that a player is willing to put their nose to the grindstone. So you've been playing almost as long as you can remember then? That's something we hear quite a lot with so many families passing the passion along from generation to generation. Tell us about your playstyle, Jack. What can we expect from you out there on the ice?" Jack Jeckler: "I like to think I play like a classic defensive defensemen. I usually prefer to fall back and protect the house. I watch for anyone skating with their heads down and punish them for it if I can. (laughs) Also, I have size on my side and I use that to protect the net." Kimmy Jimmel: (laughs) "I look forward to seeing more of that when you're playing. In your first game in the VHLM you had three hits and two blocked shots. Is that something we should be getting used to?" Jack Jeckler: "Yes, of course. That's a big part of my job out there. I'd like to put up some offensive numbers as well but that's secondary for me. I'll continue to use my size and strength to keep pucks on the other end of the ice and out of our net." Kimmy Jimmel: "Keep an eye out for Jack Jeckler ladies and gentlemen. It's been a pleasure, Jack." Jack Jeckler: "The pleasure was all mine, Kimmy. Thanks for having me on the show." The Gimmie with Kimmy here on 103.5 and 103.9 The Ledge! (sound effects)(commercial break) ( 552 Words - Oct 3-9 )
  2. This is cool! I like that you can see the ice getting carved up by the skates. You nailed the colors and the logo rests well on the jersey. The stick matches the jersey nicely and the contrast between the black background and white ice is definitely a nice touch. I'll say it's an 8.5/10. Well done, Triller. What programs do you usually use for your graphics?
  3. Well done, Aimkin. The green/white jersey really stands out against a yellow background. Also, I like the font you've selected but perhaps it could be larger? There's quite a bit of empty space on the right side of the graphic. Maybe you could fit the team logo in there? Not bad at all! I'll say it's a 6.5/10. Let's go, Teno!
  4. Thanks, Jacob! In the past you've always steered me in the right direction. I'd love to play for the San Diego Marlins. #jointhebigfish
  5. Player Information Username: Uncommon Player Name: Jack Jeckler Recruited From: Returning Age: 18 Position: D Height: 78 in. Weight: 250 lbs. Birthplace: United States of America Player Page @VHLM GM
  6. Vulcanized Rubber: "Hey, Kraus. You were drafted 29th overall by the Brigade. How does that feel?" Klaus Kraus: "It feels great, Vulcan. We've got a great team! I'm excited to get out there on the ice so that we can show everyone what we're made of. This is a major stepping stone going into the VHLM draft and I know there will be a lot of eyes on us out there." Vulcanized Rubber: "That sounds like a lot of pressure, Kraus. How do you deal with the pressures of being an aspiring athlete?" Klaus Kraus: "You know what? It's not really pressure that I feel. I'm really excited, Vulcan. I've always dealt with difficult situations head on and with a level head. That's definitely a part of what's gotten me this far and I don't plan on slowing down any time soon." Vulcanized Rubber: "I love that drive! Going into the JST you're bringing strong checks, strength, and good defense. Would you agree?" Klaus Kraus: "That's exactly it. I'm always looking to contribute to the offense but it's just as important to be able to back up your blue liners." Vulcanized Rubber: "Well said, Kraus. Spoken like a true two-way player. Thank you and good luck!" Klaus Kraus: "Danke!" ( 212 Words )
  7. Kimmy Jimmel: "Welcome back to The Gimmie with Kimmy on 103.5 and 103.9 The Ledge here on XM Radio! (sound effects) Today I have a young left wing that's looking to play their way into the VHLM. Care Bear, welcome to the show." Care Bear: "Thank you, Kimmy." Kimmy Jimmel: "Tell me, Care Bear. Why do you play hockey?" Care Bear: "A few of my Australian teammates in FIBA also play in the VHL. So, they convinced me to try ice hockey. After I had tried skating a few times, they had me do some drills and I was a natural. From that point on I decided to enter my name into the draft pool." Kimmy Jimmel: "Well, it sounds like we might owe these friends of yours a thank you! (laughing) So, we're all excited to see you play at the Junior Showcase Tournament. The JST is starting soon. How are you feeling?" Care Bear: "I am very excited to be on Team Brigade! Although I was picked near the end of the draft I am still ecstatic to have been selected at all for the showcase and hope to prove that I am worth a roster spot in the VHLM." Kimmy Jimmel: "It sure sounds like it, Bear. That's a great attitude. How would you describe your playstyle?" Care Bear: "The Bear is large and The Bear uses that to his advantage. My size will definitely be a big factor. Seeing a guy who is 6'7 and 230 pounds is never fun to play against." Kimmy Jimmel: "You're right about that! I must say that at only 16 years old your size is absolutely impressive. Have you been injured in a hockey game? What happened?" Care Bear: "I haven't been playing hockey for too long but about two weeks into drills I took a puck to the face and broke my nose. That's why it looks so weird. I also ended up losing a tooth but that's par for the course in hockey." Kimmy Jimmel: "Ooh, ouch! (crunching sound effect) The Bear is starting to sound as tough as he looks ladies and gentlemen. What are your biggest strengths going into the VHLM draft?" Care Bear: "Like my previous answer, I'd have to say my size will be my biggest advantage as I am still relatively new on skates. Once I get my speed down the league will be in big trouble." Kimmy Jimmel: "That sounds like a warning to me, folks. I don't doubt him either! Alright, that's going to be it for this segment here on The Gimmie with Kimmy. You're listening to 103.5 and 103.9 The Ledge here on XM Radio. (sound effects) Thank you, Care Bear. We're looking forward to your performance at the Junior Showcase Tournament. Thanks again for joining me on the show and good luck with the JST and VHLM draft." Care Bear: "Thank you, Kimmy. I hope you enjoy the JST and I really appreciate the coverage. Shoutout to my friends over in FIBA!" ( 512 Words - Aug 22-28 )
  8. Kimmy Jimmel: "Alright! Hello, fans. Welcome to The Gimmie with Kimmy on 103.5 and 103.9 The Ledge here on XM Radio! (sound effects) "I'm your host Kimmy Jimmel and sitting across from me today I have a special guest, Jacob Carson, the general manager for the San Diego Marlins and during this off-season he'll be GMing for the Brigade in the upcoming Junior Showcase Tournament." Kimmy Jimmel: "Welcome, Mr. Jacob Carson, it sou.." Jacob Carson: "Please, Kimmy. Call me Jacob." Kimmy Jimmel: "Of course. Well, Jacob, I know you're a busy man so let's dive right in! Sadie St. Louis is a solid prospect. How are you feeling about S85?" Jacob Carson: "So, I'm in a bit of a strange position, since all of my players currently on my roster were signed during the season as waiver players, so I actually don't retain their rights, so they'll all be in the upcoming VHLM draft. I have very few picks for this draft since a few weeks ago when I was planning for the upcoming seasons this draft class was really shallow but, there has been a LOT of great talent coming in the last few weeks. I might work to get some picks in this draft if the market is good, but it'll definitely be pretty rough watching some of my players move to other teams! Part of being a VHLM GM is knowing that the work you put into developing players isn't entirely for your team's success, but for their success hopefully all the way through the VHL, so I'm really excited to see whether players like Sadie can keep earning really well and become another notable first-generation VHL superstar talent!" Kimmy Jimmel: "Wow, what a great answer. You obviously care about your players and their futures as well as the future of the leagues. I hadn't considered that your roster is primarily composed of waiver players. With only two picks in the upcoming draft San Diego might struggle in the upcoming season. You mentioned the potential for acquiring more draft picks and a surge of young talent, I don't want to expose your scouting strategy but are there any prospects that you're keeping tabs on?" Jacob Carson: (clears throat) "I definitely have a list of players that I'd make a move for at the draft, especially if I see them fall lower than I would've expected them to go. In my opinion, I backed out of this past season just a bit too early, and since I know my S86 draft capital is handled already, I may as well take the opportunity to assemble at least a playoff-worthy squad and see what we can do. I want to give myself lots of roster space to compete in the waiver game again, and continue to build a strong developmental pipeline both in the VHLM and beyond. Having only 2 picks, and both of them being 1st rounders, I can afford to reach a bit on some players that I really like, which I won't name obviously but I have a solid draft list going, and I've been working on it over the last 8 weeks or so. One of the main things that will be important for me deciding who to select will be participation in the Junior Showcase Tournament. It really is the best way we can simulate a VHLM environment, and pit draftees against each other on equal ground. Many of the VHLM GMs use the JST as an opportunity to get insider knowledge on players, especially the ones who will fall in the 3rd-5th round, where getting excess value is essential for building a strong team. Players that talk in chat, ask questions, and react to sims are more likely to earn more, participate more meaningfully and be better players and members than those who don't so getting those early signs are crucial. I'm really excited to see who will stand out at the JST, and am dreading the probable outcome that other smart VHLM GMs will get to them in the draft before me." Kimmy Jimmel: "You heard it here first, fans! We need to be on the lookout for the Marlins this year and I think it's safe to say that we're all excited to see how the JST draft plays out! Let's end with something a little more light-hearted, Jacob. Of course you're busy as a GM during the season and even the off-season if you're fortunate enough or dedicated like yourself. I've recently taken up collecting VHLM, VHLE, and especially VHL sports cards. What do you find yourself doing with the free time that you do have?" Jacob Carson: "I love to spend my free time taking in as much hockey as I can! I'm always watching hockey at any level and just appreciating the sport. Other than that, I try to make time to socialize with my friends and family! I do love to play video games as well, and although I am not good at any of them, I really enjoy a whole variety of games that challenge and frustrate me in so many ways. Any opportunity to play with my friends is one I take, even if it means playing something that truly sends me up a wall. I also love to eat good food and explore when the weather isn't too crazy. That's more than I really have time for these days, and I've left many hobbies and interests on the backboard these days, but the work always comes first, and when you enjoy it as much as I do, I suppose it becomes a hobby!" Kimmy Jimmel: "Wow, another great answer! Your passion for the sport is commendable, Jacob. As for video games maybe we could exchange gamertags? (laughing) Seriously, it's been a pleasure and I'm really looking forward to your selections in both of the upcoming drafts. Good luck in the JST. We will certainly be keeping an eye out for the Brigade! Thank you for your time, Jacob. Jacob Carson: "Thank you, Kimmy, it was a pleasure." Kimmy Jimmel: "That's all folks! I hope you've enjoyed our time with GM Jacob Carson, I know I have! This is The Gimmie with Kimmy on 103.5 and 103.9 The Ledge here on XM Radio!(sound effects) I hope you will tune in next time for an interview with VHLM prospect, Care Bear." ( 1073 Words - Aug 8-14 - Aug 15-21 )
  9. The TPA Tool currently functions using decimals to the hundredth. Now, if we could only see these decimals it would allow for slightly more precision when player building. You could always account for these numbers outside of the calculator but isn't that what the TPA Tool is all about? It's only a minor thing but I thought that it might be worth addressing the idea. Thoughts?
  10. As the title states in this article I'll be covering my first impressions of the VHL and its community. Topics discussed within will include my thoughts on the VHL, what the VHL has to offer, what I expect going into my first VHLM season as a player, and a little bit about myself. I'm looking forward to sharing my initial thoughts with the community and I hope you all enjoy the read. Since this is more of an informal piece I'll be writing it as such so don't mind all the I's Me's and My's. Thank you to the entire community in advance! My first impressions of the VHL are really quite excellent. I discovered the VHL while browsing over some ice hockey videos on YouTube and for that I am truly thankful. I quickly followed up with the advertisement and now here we are only a few short days later. At first I browsed around the forums and looked over some of the various teams and players before joining the Discord server. I find that the website is well organized and easy to navigate despite there being so much information for new players to absorb. This efficiency equates to a less intimidating experience overall. Upon joining the Discord I was met with several cheerful greetings and a slew of people offering their advice and expertise on any matters that I might have questions on or needed help with. Players, GMs, and Staff all reaching out to lend a helping hand is always appreciated. I was even invited to several different locker rooms to have a home during the off season which provided me with a place to talk strategy and yet another forum to field my many questions. The VHL offers so much to its community! There's the three leagues, communal artwork, creative writing, fantasy picks, trivia and so much more! A few things stand out to me here, mainly, the VHLM & VHL both providing us with all of that glorious simulated hockey we all so desperately crave. Beyond that there's the arts with entire sections devoted to helping the community better themselves through their creative works and collaborations. I only briefly browsed the graphics forums but I saw talented creators sharing their works with everyone and an accepting audience that offered positive reinforcement and helpful critiques to the aforementioned artists. All of this tied together by the creative writing works of the community which is just absolutely outstanding. The VHL is a place where everyone can come together and share their passion for creativity writing alongside their love for the sport of ice hockey. I'm really excited going into my first VHLM season. I think it's important not to set expectations too high for my player but I'm already working towards what I feel like is a solid start. Even with all the effort poured into the right build at the end of the day RNG still might get you! With that being said I think it's important to not only focus on your player's development but your own development within the community as well. That way if your player has a tough game, week, or year you still have someone to have a laugh with about it. I'm really glad I found the VHL and am now apart of this great community. Thanks again for reading and good luck out there! ( 565 Words - Aug 1-7 )
  11. Transaction ID: 8XV800656M810300A 5 TPE Uncapped $1M Player Store Cash Please and thank you!
  12. Klaus Kraus - Center - 6' 2" - 220 lbs. - Age: 18 - Shoots: Left Klaus Kraus is an eighteen year old ice hockey player hailing from Frankfurt, Germany. His father, Kris, is a professional hockey player for the Löwen Frankfurt. Klaus credits his father for inspiring him to pursue his dream of playing in the VHL. His mother Kristina is a stay at home mother of Klaus' eight younger siblings. As the eldest son of such a large family Kraus has always contributed as a leader to his many brothers and sisters. This has directly translated to Klaus' personality on the ice as he is always looking out for his teammates. Quoted as saying, "I don't want to sound cliché but it's the teamwork." when asked what his favorite part about being on the ice was. "An honest, hardworking, team player is what you'll get with Kraus." , his high school coach's words. Kraus is known for his dominate physical performances on both ends of the hockey rink. The young German prospect possesses several major strengths going into the VHLM draft which are his ability to dominate faceoffs, his strength in the corners, and standing 6' 2" and weighing in at an even 220 lbs. Kraus is the ideal size for a physical two-way center. However, he's not only a physical player. Kraus is both a consistent and proficient player on both sides of the battle. Always watching for the open man and covering down on any holes in the defense he shows a high hockey IQ. Kraus' crushing checks are also worth noting but we'll see if that translates to the bigger bodied boys of the VHLM. We expect to see goals, assists, and hits provided with the necessary TOI. Off of the ice Kraus is known for his kindness and larger than life attitude. He enjoys hunting and fishing with his family all across the German countryside. It's been confirmed that he does not own a television set and likely wouldn't own a cell phone if not for their undeniable convenience. When he's not practicing or enjoying the great outdoors Kraus spends a great deal of time mentoring and tending to his many younger siblings. Over the last two summers Kraus has worked part time as a custodian for the local school district which only further exemplifies his willingness to do put in the hard work as well as his commitment to the teams he's apart of. ( 411 Words )
  13. 1. I'm not satisfied with my players stats but I'm working towards improvements as we speak. 2. As a new player I have limited input about the Founder's Cup race and no predictions. 3. I prefer to have breakfast for dinner. 4. A couple of whole wheat chicken sandwiches with some mixed vegetables. 5. Symphony No. 5 in C Minor - Ludwig van Beethoven 6. Career ending hits. I love big hits but I don't want to see anyone else go out like that.
  14. Haha! That's a good one! My first impression is that it gives off some serious Monty Python vibes with the angels holding the trophy. The layering is alright but Davos himself looks a little out of place. David Hasselhoff was obviously necessary but I think he might be taking the focus off of Davos Dynamo. I mean, it is The Hoff after all. Best of luck to #75! Mostly because it made me laugh 7/10.
  15. This is awesome! I really enjoy the way you've layered everything over the city and its sky. The fire and sparks are what really stand out to me. I think it's those aviators that really seal the deal though. If I had to include a single critique it would be that his name could have been included somewhere in the graphic. Maybe it could have gone in one of the upper corners? Good job, Steve. 8/10.
  16. Kimmy Jimmel: Hello, I'm Kimmy Jimmel and this is The Gimmie with Kimmy. A new talk show with a focus on interviewing players from the VHLM. Kimmy Jimmel: Today I am speaking with Klaus Kraus. Kraus is a young German prospect looking to break into the VHLM. Welcome, Klaus. Klaus Kraus: Hello, Kimmy. Danke! [smiling from ear to ear] Kimmy Jimmel: Well, you're obviously excited. Me too! Let's jump right in! What's your favorite part about being on the ice? Klaus Kraus: I don't want to sound cliché but it's the teamwork. There's nothing like connecting on a one-timer or standing up for a teamate. Kimmy Jimmy: That's admirable, Klaus. How would you describe your playing style? Klaus Kraus: I'm a two-way forward through and through. I prefer to play a physical game on both ends of the ice. Kimmy Jimmel: Nice, nice. I think we all prefer that. [both laughing] Do you have a favorite VHL player? Klaus Kraus: I don't know about a favorite but I'm a big fan of Paul Atreides. He's just so fun to watch and he's great on both ends of the ice. Kimmy Jimmel: Oh, we're all big fans around here! Alright, we've got time for one last question, Klaus. Do you have a favorite for the VHLM playoffs? Klaus Kraus: Oh, man. [laughing] The Aces have had a great year but we'll see. I think there's several teams that have a chance at taking the title. Kimmy Jimmel: It sounds like he said Las Vegas to me. [laughing] Alright, thank you for your time, Klaus. Klaus Kraus: Thank you, Kimmy. It was a lot of fun. Kimmy Jimmel: Thanks for tuning in to The Gimmie with Kimmy on 103.5 & 103.9 The Ledge here on XM Radio! ( 295 Words )
  17. Player Information Username: Uncommon Player Name: Klaus Kraus Recruited From: YouTube Age: 18 Position: C Height: 74 in. Weight: 220 lbs. Birthplace: Germany Player Page @VHLM GM
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