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Everything posted by Mysterious_Fish

  1. Yes: Me cause I am not an adult yet sos technically wouldnt have kids yet
  2. @AJW really made it a big task. I'd do this again but im going on a trip eventually. I will still apply tho but try to get someone new to do it
  3. ahhhh, fun! Well gl GM's
  4. yay a break from WJC GM'ing. figured it was gonna happen since i didnt even get a dm with the same questions as the previous years
  5. where is the location?
  6. another reason why u should go last in the drafts
  7. ummm u forgot about Leandro
  8. ????????????
  9. your practically always a marlin
  10. Bumping this Also gonna hire next week problably thursday or friday for transitioning purposes
  11. Hey man, welcome back! The JST is currently going on and I am the AGM of the Royals and @Royski is the GM. We are currently last in the JST so far with 3 D. You would be a great addition to the team. If you want to join the Royals let me or @Royski know and we will make sure to add you to the team.
  12. Super excited to play in my first ever WC. Lets go win gold boys!
  13. I want 1 more shot at gold pls. can also help out with any new GM
  14. AGM NEEDED Well thank you so much @meandyoc you have done so much as an AGM and you were a great player to have on the team. Sad to see you taking a break after this off-season. In other news I am now looking for a new AGM so lets open the apps now Requirements - Be active in the LR. I am trying to make the Marlins LR more active and that starts from management (was relatively active this season) - Give opinions on possible trades/signings - Can do lines and draft if I am unavailable to do so - Encourage people to stay active. This adds onto the Active LR thing but in the M it is key that we do our job in keeping first-gens and everyone else active and earning as much as possible - Help Scout - Do press conferences No previous experience is required to apply. An AGM job is not a league job so there is no job pay. The point of being an AGM is to get some job experience that can lead to a full GM job in the future. Please reach out to me on Discord [User is mysterious_fish] or say apply in this thread. Applications will be open until August 7th when the season starts unless @meandyoc wants to leave sooner in which I will update this
  15. So @Pifferfish I expect more podcasts
  16. Have I, idk Happy Birthday VHL
  17. @dylanjj37 @N0HBDY mentioned maybe more but I forget
  18. I cant express how grateful it was to play with you in the M and have you as my GM in the E. Two championships with you apart of the team has been great and you became one of the many friends I have made along the way. @Sjin Good luck this next season as a GM.
  19. I tried u on line 1 and we lost both games in the sim
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