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Everything posted by Mysterious_Fish

  1. How long till the commish team hates us @LucyXpher anyways again thx for the easy talks and gl this season and the draft
  2. Should of let him go last in every draft
  3. Man these easy talks get a bit too easy. I thought having an interaction with people online was supposed to be hard
  4. im intrigued now
  5. Yep, Gl with 6oa and 30oa! Super easy chats makes everything fun!
  6. Should work with only R6 and R15 not Rthro tho cause I didnt want to make layered clothing so i guess only basic although you could try Rthro characters
  7. Been over a year and life got to me. I am gonna push the last bit out and release them on Halloween but I need to know With the E disbanding would you still want me to publish the VHLE team's jerseys or no. Leak of 3 jerseys Anyways let me know. Sorry for the very long wait (for the maybe 1 person)
  8. For everyone but you right?
  9. Yeah, I didnt think you could just change tpe payouts without Commish approval
  10. I think AJ's new system made it allow up to 15
  11. Since when did you run this?
  12. So in my case of SDM I would get 1oa in VHLM dispersal draft and 10oa in VHLE Reintroduction draft? Also assuming any capped players from this season will just stay on the team
  13. oh c'mon
  14. gonna have to listen to it again since i listened to it all on the road but it was amazing timewaster
  16. i got pinged so i assume so
  17. SDM vs OTT - 14 shootout rounds SDM vs LVA - 7 shootout rounds lost both
  18. @youloser1337 thx for a souly sdm question!
  19. Uncapped TPE opportunity best AGM to exist
  20. Uncapped TPE Opportunity done?!
  21. AGM HIRED!!! Congratulations @sadie on becoming the Marlins AGM cant wait to work with you while you are here! Also thank you to all of the applicants
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