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About Itz_Viperz

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  • Player
    Joseph Poole
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  • NHL Team
    New Jersey Devils

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  1. 1. i think its going great we are currently in a playoff spot. 2. my player (Joseph Poole) has passed my expectations by a lot. He is preforming great with 24 pts in 34 games. 3. he likes to chew mint bubblegum. 4. Halifax has surprised me they have yet to have double digits in losses. 5. the community and my team. 6. a good steak.
  2. Christmas time!!!
  3. 1. I'm really sad to see her go but her impact was big she led us to the playoffs 2. i didn't really choose to enter I'm just grinding for tpe 3. the person that is impressing me is Scott Wedgewood and a player who is disappointing me is Jacob Markstrom 4. Quebec Nordiques 5. Takis 6. spending time with my family
  4. 1. I think we could do better, but we are doing good. 2. cat. because they are cool and cute. 3. night because I can relax. 4. ham cheese lettuce and bacon. 5. Brooklyn nine-nine. 6. being able to play hockey on ice.
  5. 1. I'd distribute it evenly between offence and defense. 2. I would put my stick on the ice and put it out like it's on fire. 3. confident. 4. I look forward to watching the starting 5. 5. the first thing I would do is give some 500,000 to my mom then invest the rest. 6. Takis
  6. +10 joseph poole
  7. As Joseph plays in his first 4 games after being signed by Halifax Joseph is angered at his ability to score to do anything important on the ice. He is working hard to become great but sitting in the locker room seeing his influence on the ice be close to zero frustrates him deeply he has love and passion for the game but it’s just not enough to be scoring goals left and right, He speaks with teammates and coach to see if he can improve his game and try to find strategies that might help him become helpful but it could be long before we see Joseph become a reliable scorer. His team is happy of course seeing a young prospect try to play and improve to become the best but before we can say he has a chance to become one of the best he needs to finally get his first point.
  8. Prospect scouting report for Joseph Poole In earlier years specially in A and AA Joseph was a offensive genius and also a strong player who is tough when it comes to putting pressure on the opposing team. Some scouts have watched his game which is similar and close to Nathan Mackinnon but of course players have their issues. Pros: 1. Shooting 2. Offensive vision 3. Skating Cons: 1. Defensive awareness 2. Faceoffs 3. Body Checking As said before Joseph shooting and offense was one of the top players in the league with his fast pace and great eyes for open teammates and wide open lanes he is a problem when defenders don’t take him seriously. His great knowledge of taking defenders out of their place and forcing them to make mistakes makes him a deadly opponent. But hockey players aren’t perfect. While Joseph is good on one part of the ice his talent lacks in the defense department he stands out when he is on defense of course he tries but when it comes to actually playing defense he is one of the worst on his team. Even as a winger they sometimes have to do faceoffs and sadly he can’t win many, since little leagues as a kid he was a full time winger almost never taking a faceoff which caused him to really never work on his faceoff skills causing him to lose a lot more faceoffs then average which of course can cause problems if he can clutch up. Body checking was never his thing and when you are focusing your training on endurance stamina and shooting with bits of strength training you don’t really get a player who can hit like a bull. In conclusion Joseph is a player with a lot of talent and can become a really good player in the M but his defense holds him back. Same with body checking, if the opponent’s team has really good defense and he can’t find a way to get in he practically becomes useless on the ice. A player with a lot of potential if he gets his grip on his defense and helps when he is on ice. We can see him go far in his career having a high chance at being a valuable piece to whatever VHL and VHLM team gets him but time will tell as this kid grows into something more. 401 words
  9. 1. my player has only played two games in the season so I cant really judge him yet. 2. our team as a whole needs more tpe in defensive coverage. 3. i would make poutine for the team. 4. red, white, and black would mesh together well in my opinion. 5. the 2011 film goon is a pretty good movie. 6. i have been putting a couple of hours into black ops 3, spiderman, and nhl 25.
  10. Yes he did recruit me
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