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ODE to Mental Health


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Okay so this one isn't about anyone specific, but more to do with the topic of mental health. We all follow hockey which has been one of the sports that talks a lot about mental health. Unfortunately we all saw a bit of the fall out that Bell Let's Talk had this year. Bell did their Let's Talk campaign this year to raise funds for mental health, then took money from the government and laid people off. I was always skeptical of Bell anyways because large Telecom companies are very greedy. That being said, this post is more about our community here. This past year has been tough on many, it has challenged us in ways we didn't know how to deal with at times; or in ways that limited us in some capacity. I genuinely do applaud every individual on here for whatever level they had to endure hardship in and come out no worse for wear. It's still going and there is some light at the end of the tunnel but it has tested us all. I won't sit here and say my mental health hasn't been effected, because it drastically has. There have been voices in my head saying it's not worth continuing because the world coming out of this isn't all that positive anyways. I don't know what I'm holding onto at this point, but whatever it is I hope it doesn't fracture. To applaud everyone here.

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  • 2 years later...

The past year has indeed been challenging for many people worldwide, and it's essential to acknowledge its impact on our mental well-being. Many of my acquaintances took up dbt therapy NYC to get through it.

It's unfortunate to hear about the fallout surrounding Bell Let's Talk campaign. It's crucial for organizations and individuals to align their actions with their stated goals, especially when it comes to supporting mental health initiatives. Skepticism towards large corporations is understandable, as they can sometimes prioritize profits over other considerations.

In times of adversity, it's commendable that you applaud and acknowledge the resilience of the community around you. Enduring hardships can be mentally and emotionally draining, and it's crucial to recognize the strength it takes to come out the other side, even if not unscathed. Supporting and uplifting one another is vital in promoting positive mental health.

Edited by charlotte.kellogg
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