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VHL Magazine Power Poll - 200th Mag


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Around four years ago the VHL Mag had its first edition, leading to one of the most successful media groups in simulation league history.


The amount of quality articles coming from various members through the Mag’s history is just countless, but there are moments that will stick out there for those who have been reading the Mag week after week. We have seen many different types of articles, for example: the editorial which has closed the Mag for many editions.


The point being, not to rub our own ego here, is that the Mag has been bringing quality news to the VHL on a consistent schedule for years now to support this league. Even through editor changes and staff changes, the Mag has always been consistent and is finding new ways to stay interesting as it goes along.


For the 200th edition Power Poll, we’re changing things up a little to honour the memory of the Magazine and everything that has gone along with it for the 200 editions. I’m requesting some write-in votes which I’ll tally up. So…


Over the past 200 seasons (or whatever amount you have been here for), what has been your favourite Mag moment? Make sure to comment (you kind of have to this time) and explain why the moment is your favourite. Best posts get into the Mag!

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Don't know if it counts as a favorite mag moment, but my answer would have to be seeing us resurrect the Magazine after we lost the second site and had to move over here. At that time the editor of the magazine had gone inactive, the site was in shambles and it would of been very easy for us to just let the Mag fall to the wayside. Instead we got a new editor, got the team re-hired and back together and continued powering through to make our way to number 200. Pretty fantastic community effort in my opinion. 

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The best Mag moment I remember is the shoutout mag. It was a real morale booster for everyone that was part of the site. I forget with edition it was, might have been Edition #100, but it was surely a great article to read!

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