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Draft Day Hype

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The VHL draft is upon us and the excitement is in the air. The Riga Reign squad doesn't own their own first round pick though. They do have 2 first round picks from trades during the season which are the 10th and the 15th pick. The Riga GM has said that they are not interested in trading their first round picks in the draft. Riga also has some deeper picks with 7 more picks in the later round with 3 of those in the 4th round. Riga has 2 second round picks where Justin Lose was drafted back in Season 75. We wanted to get an inside look on what the draft is like for a player, so we caught up with Justin Lose to get a word in.


"You watch your teammates and friends be chosen before you or after you. The wait is the worst part. You work hard all season long and it call comes down to what the teams GM thought of your draft interview. The rundown for the draft is the following:


You get a draft interview with the top teams saying they are interested in drafting you and they want to know what you can bring to the table.
Wildcard teams send interviews with the hope that you will fall to them.
There is an optional physical test in front of all of the VHL GMs and if you are in the VHLM some of the VHLM GMs will be present too. This is a great place to really shine in front of a future GM.
The waiting begins after you finish your interviews / test. You wait for your name to be called and make your way to the media frenzy afterwards.
You don't get to relax until the draft is over. You have to do media for the league. Then the team media rolls up to get a few words in. Finally some local fans will try to get autographs and pictures.


My draft was very stressful with being drafted in the 2nd round. You don't get that buzz of the first round pick so everyone isn't in a hurry to interview you. It was fairly easy for me to slip by reporters. The welcome I received by the Riga Reign was unmatched. I felt at home immediately. I couldn't wait to make the squad after talking to the Riga media team. I even got a call from one of the Riga players congratulating me and welcoming me.


Personally I hope that everyone who gets drafted has a great night. Enjoy yourself. It's your accomplishments being displayed tonight. Don't let it get to you if you aren't drafted in the 1st round. Use it as motivation to be that gem for your team. And to the future Riga players, welcome to the squad! You may never know who will give you a call on draft night!"



The VHL draft party in Riga has already started and they are pumped to see the future. Stop by the arena for some fun and games before the watch party. You might even get a chance to see some of the current Riga Reign players and get autographs / photos taken!

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Solid article! It was interesting to read about your thoughts regarding the draft. The article is easy to read, the middle part could perhaps be slightly clearer with the spacing, but other than I can't think of anything I would suggest as improvements. Of course, a picture at the top, but overall a well-written article!

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Wow, it was a very good article, it is really fun to see the point of view of the player regarding the draft, how his draft went and even giving advice for the future player who will be drafted.

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