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VHLE New Team Paris Seals


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Review: ha it's funny because it's a cuss in English. Classic grade 6 move. Love the idea, I think it's hilarious. The graphic has a good concept, but just falls short in execution. I like the background as a French flag, but it's hard to see sometimes because the middle bar is blue instead of white like it is on the flag. The player on the left is a great render and the VHLE logo is a nice touch; le phoque is cute and adorable; but that third player need some work. I don't know who the player is, but it's probably better to choose a different player if you can't find a render with a higher resolution. I can see you tried a little text manipulation on the red player's shirt, and that does a good job of not making the VHLE feel flat on their jersey. Good work, there's a lot going on there and I bet it was a good amount of work to put it all together. 6/10.

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Review: I really enjoy the sparkling effect in this graphic, and I feel like it adds a ton to it. I think the masking and resolution of the renders could use some work, but there are a lot of good concepts here. The logo swaps were well done too, so I would overall give this a 7/10!

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