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The Beginning

      It all started when I was playing EHM on an online league. I had a few friends that I met on discord, and then they told me about this league called the VHL. At first, I was pretty apprehensive. I was also starting to get sick of EHM online right around the same time, as it was a huge time killer. Right around then is when I went from a meh job to 2 good jobs. So now I didn’t need to kill time, I needed to save it. And EHM wasn’t making the cut. Nate Telker started off as a late bloomer, but he had eyes on him during the S68 draft as a potential steal. @Victor was the one who picked me up late in the third round. As much as I am loyal to my current gm king @hylands, I don’t know how any of this would’ve turned out without Moscow, Victor, and all my teammates there. It was with my last couple seasons in Moscow,

         Another VHL season passed after the draft. I stayed in the minors for one more season before I was ready for the big leagues. It was probably around this time that all my EHM friends were leaving the league. At this point, I was so thankfully even to just be a part of Moscow’s depth on forwards, even though I wasn’t getting the play time, I hadn’t earned it yet. As the seasons kept coming, Nate got over the hump. One 50 point season and he never looked back from there. when I decided to make the switch from welfare to media spots. The toughest thing is to figure out what to write about for me. Once I have the topic, I can fly. A captain of Moscow, winning cups, being high up on Moscow’s all time chart for a lot of things. The legacy was amazing to leave, and then it was time for a new chapter. Brendan was a fairly easy choice for my second players name. My parents had it down to Nathan and Brendan. So I figured I should be Brendan as my second player, even though the name meaning is something like swamp or marsh haha. I’m excited to see if Brendan can get into the HOF. I know it’s a very tall ask based on how many top 5 draft picks don’t make it into the HOF. 

       I don’t think I’ve ever gotten to the point online where I have talked with someone a ton consistently. I think almost everyone knows me, but doesn’t really know me. And I honestly like it that way. The VHL is great for popping in if you need a few minute conversation on discord, or hyping your whole team up, tagging a ton of teammates in a media spot, that is what I live for. Not only for bringing myself up, but bringing everyone up with me. It’s a very satisfying feeling. That’s not to say I don’t remember people also. If you made it this far, thanks for reading! 


514 words

Edited by Telkster
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Review:  Always enjoy reading how someone got into the league and hearing a little about what it means to them.  Felt like this was a fairly tight 514 words without a lot of filler to make it to the limit. Nothing distracting in the article to drive one off the main path.  7/10

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