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Wrote a script to scrape giveaways/takeaways from the play-by-plays.


Before you go "Oh BuT DiL ThEsE ArE So HiGH aNd uNreALisTiC StAtS ThErE MuST bE A MiSTaKe!!>!!!>!>!!@", I opened up 3 random games and searched for the word "intercept" to see how many intercepted passes there were and:





In STHS simulations, there are around 250 pass interceptions ALONE. That's around 250 giveaways/takeaways per game just from interceptions, not even including hits and puck fumbles...

Blame Simon


Anyways, here are the results: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1NWO_KB3u_6JEB2HuS-BMCTQHmlLhzcVJuCG3T_pRTt8/edit?usp=sharing




Robin Galante Nilsson 1775
Matty Socks 1611
Kosmo Kramerev 1579
Viktor Alexei Kamenov 1539
Randy Marsh 1528



Robin Galante Nilsson 1808
Barron Kruulenstien 1733
Viktor Alexei Kamenov 1663
Reylynn Reinhart 1630
Hard Markinson 1597




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