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What's the Plan After Dear?


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tl;dr - I don't know.


I'm at a weird point in sim leagues. Both my EFL and VHL players' careers are winding down, though admittedly my DB in EFL has another season after this before regression starts while Aloe Dear's kinda-OK stint in the VHL has a hard end-date: the end of S81. With my RB/WR Charm McClain-Callahan fast regressing despite a hefty amount of banked TPE, I know he's realistically only got a couple of seasons of viability left. I think it'd be a really nice wrap-up to these last 2.5 years in sim leagues if I wanted to end my stint here and now.


I've been fortunate to be able to make time for sim leagues since starting my most recent job. And theoretically, with some clinic-based rotations in my future, I could probably make another player and max earn for a while longer - so the door's obviously still open for me to continue.


But I wonder how things would be if I could just sit and chat with some people in sim leagues without the (mostly self-inflicted) pressure to max earn.


Does anyone else feel this way? 

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The E in VHLE stands for Reno...but yeah, I don't know how long I can guarantee me being around either. I have no problem at all being active now, but I also have no idea how my life will turn around after graduation.


I guess the first thing that comes to mind is the generic "only be active if you actually want to" talk that everyone's given and received a few times. I'd love to see you recreate but don't want to hear that it's nothing but work.

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18 hours ago, Renomitsu said:

(mostly self-inflicted) pressure to max earn.


My recommendation for this (and what I've done since I joined VHL way back when) is to have players that you know/plan to go max TPE for and then to have players that you plan to not. You can relatively easily make a good players with the potential to have great individual seasons just by doing welfare, the minor TPE tasks, and the career point tasks. 


I personally don't believe it's possible to stick around here going 110% with every single player, especially if there are other league responsibilities you want as well. No matter how much you enjoy it, burnout is a likely outcome.


Like you said though, this is all self-inflicted, so only you know if you'll be able to stay active at 75%.

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9 minutes ago, Fire Vigneault said:

I personally don't believe it's possible to stick around here going 110% with every single player, especially if there are other league responsibilities you want as well. No matter how much you enjoy it, burnout is a likely outcome.


Definitely agree with this, that's why my last player in Flowers was mostly welfare before ramping back up with Booberry. But I'm also one who tends to go big or go home, and I find I have a lot more fun if I'm trying to max earn and be the best I can. I don't think it's fundamentally a bad thing, as long as you're extremely cognizant of turning sim leagues into a chore rather than a hobby.


In that case, I've also had a lot of success simply taking a break between players. Even just a couple of seasons or so, like 9 months real time, does so much to recharge the batteries and make things seem like less of a constant churn. Plus, it gives time for the league to evolve a bit, new people and fresh faces to pop up, which gives a whole new experience for each player.

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