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(S81) D - Cole smith, TPE: 66


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Welcome to the VHL @Coleman23224!


My name is Alex_J32, I'm the GM for the Philadelphia Reapers. With Philadelphia you would fit in on our Top 6. Currently, The Reapers are looking to take home the league championship and would benefit if you join us. If you continuously build your TPE by interacting within the community and contributing in TPE generating tasks, you'll be able to play more minutes and possibly move up the depth chart!

Here in Philadelphia, we pride ourselves on the players we develop. My AGM @Masu Chan and I work hard to ensure that every member of the team enjoys their time on the Reapers and builds a legacy to begin their career. Numerous VHL greats got started right here in Philadelphia, and we would love to add your name on the list. We also have a great locker room filled with great players that would love to get to know you!

If you're interested in becoming a Reaper, just quote this post and reply back with #FEARTHEREAPER. Once you do that, we will add you to our roster and get you in the locker room.



Many legacies have been built with the Reapers. Will you join the many great Reapers of legend and craft a VHL career worthy of the HOF? What will your legacy be?


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My name is Dan and I'm the acting GM for the historic Saskatoon Wild of the VHLM's Eastern Conference. The season is just starting to ramp up, and we'd like to offer you a 1st pair Defense  spot as we push for a playoff spot this season! 


If you'd like to join the Saskatoon Wild, just quote this post and reply, "#WildNSasky."


Best of luck to you, regardless of where your journey takes you!

Edited by BarzalGoat
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Ahoy!!! @Coleman23224


My name is Sam and I am the GM of the Halifax 21st!! In Halifax, we would be able to offer you 2ND LINE minutes and special teams time!!! Halifax isn’t a top team but still has a chance to make a run in the playoffs. You could be huge in helping us make that push! We have a great group of guys in the LR from Gm to players to alumni as well. We have plenty of people to help you learn and grow your player!


In Halifax, we believe in a person’s first experience so much as we want you to update as much as possible we also understand life can get in the way sometimes! We want the people behind the screen to have an amazing experience!!  


I'd love to see you in a Halifax uniform! I know you would fit right in on Halifax!! To join Halifax quote this with #BOATGANG

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Welcome to the VHL, @Coleman23224! I'm JB, GM of the San Diego Marlins. We would like to offer you a contract. 


While we may not be the best team this season, we have a fun, engaged and welcoming locker room. Additionally, we have guides to assist you in earning TPE and building your player. We are always willing to help too and answer any questions you may have! 


We can offer TOP PAIRING MINUTES, plus special teams time. We'd love to have you on our team. Just quote this post with #FILLTHETANK to join us in the sun! 



JB & the Marlins :sdm:

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Hello! I am Markus and I am the Assistant General Manager for the Miami Marauders. This season we are in a rebuild mode since we just won the cup this past season. so you will get plenty of playing time if you decide to join us! Despite being in rebuild mode we are only missing a few pieces to make this team a potential playoff competitor. We can help you learn about the league and ensure that you are able to reach your max potential right out of the gate. We would love for you to be a part of our team!


 If you would like to join us please quote this message and reply saying #LetsGoMiami


Edited by Xflexz
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Hello @Coleman23224


First off, welcome to the VHL! We are a great community of people. The VHL is a great place to hang out on the forum or discord and just be yourself. This includes doing some creative writing, showing off your graphic design skills, or even start a podcast! You control how much you put into this. The VHLM is your first stop before moving towards the VHL. It's our job to help you get there.


In that case, we would love to have you on Mexico City! We are working on building a cup contender here in Mexico City. We were hoping you could help us out! We have a great locker room and we would be able to help you grow your VHL player! We can offer you 3rd pairing minutes with PK time too. Perfect for a new player starting out. 


Just reply to this with #HailtotheKings to join the Mexico City Kings!

 Justin - Mexico City Kings GM

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Hello! Welcome to the VHL. I'm the GM of the Ottawa Lynx and would like to offer you minutes on our 3rd line with opportunities on the PP and PK as well. If you are interested in joining us let me know by quoting this with a #GOLYNXGO :)

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Welcome to the league @Coleman23224! I am Domg5, the GM of the Yukon Rush. We are currently holding the 1st spot in the standings and we would like YOU to join us in this amazing adventure!


What we can offer? An amazing locker room on discord including new players like you and veterans, support to get started with your new player, an opportunity to live the playoffs hype on your first season! You would start on the 2nd pair.  If you want to WIN NOW , join the Yukon Rush!


To accept this offer, just quote this and write #FEELTHERUSH



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Welcome to the VHL @Coleman23224!

My name is N0HBDY and I’m the newest GM of the Mississauga Hounds. We want you to join our roster of players! We can offer 1st Line Minutes +  Special Teams. With the chance of moving up as long as you stay active. As a re-builder we can offer you more minutes then other teams meaning you'll be able to make the most out of your players first season by joining us. Mississauga has a history of training and shaping top tier players who have dominated the VHL. I hope you'll join us to become apart of that legacy.


If you want to get the best possible start to your player you quote this post and say #ReleaseTheHounds



Mississauga Hounds Management

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