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20 hours ago, InstantRockstar said:



Apologies in advance for this review, as it will contain some unnecessary characters and subsequent words to ensure that I reach the 75 word minimum. OK, here we go.

Overall this is an excellent submission, balancing all elements necessary to produce a quality graphic. The coloring, and BG effects work well together and along with the render work/logo switch draw the eye to the render as intended. The font work is nice and using the drop shadow I presume, helps the font to pop out and blend well with the rest of the elements. It's a slightly unusual(but entirely personal preference) render placement but it doesn't subtract from the overall piece at all. Great result and nice to see you producing some really nice stuff again. 9/10




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Monster imporvements over the past month. I really like this one. Probably the best text work you've ever done. I think the colours are nice and the placement and effects are interesting. The jersey swap is nice. The effect the is on the left side of the render near Marner's face is a bit distracting, and because it's blurred it looks a little messy. That's really the only thing I don't like about the piece. The dots are cool and really gives depth to the whole signature. I think you've really refined your blur tool use as well. TI think that wave effect you have is cool, and I would just full commit to the effect - it seems like you deleted some of it with a soft brush so it almost looks like smoke. If you did the deletion with a harder brush, you could keep that swirl effect and it would look more like the graphic bending. Just a few things, maybe it'll help maybe not! I really like it tho! 9.1/10

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This is a very, very nice one as it gives me that superstar, spot moment vibe. It just feels like he's on the ice, just scored and all the lights are on him. Very nice highlights making it easy to see the layering and making it a little bit more in dept. as you can see what's in front, what's in back etc. Very nice Jersey Swap. The only thing I am not a fan of is the text. I cannot really clearly read the name oft he player. The font is not ugly or nothing, just has bit more effect that makes it unclear, at least for me.

Review: 8/10

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I have to say, this is one of my favorite signatures I have seen in a while. Jersey swap is on point, and all of the effects fit together really well. I like the usage of blur in the areas that you chose and the blending is exceptional. Big fan of the font choice as well, as I would struggle to find something that fits the style of this signature. I think the difficulty in achieving a signature of this quality with it being so clean is extremely underrated. I really have no changes that I would make, personally, other than bringing down the render by maybe 1-5 pixels, which really at the end of the day is nothing. 9.9/10

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