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All roads lead to Rome (and to the Cup) ep.12

Baby Boomer

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Welcome everyone,


This week is the last one before the trade dealine and we just passed the mid-season. After exactly 42 games, the Rome Gladiators are second in the league with a record of 28 wins, 10 losses and 4 others in over time for a total of 60 points and only 3 points behind the Cologne Express who are first in the league at the moment. A lot of players are doing well on the teams, but better than others. Indeed, Arthur Kimura @FBR has 55 points in 42 games and Pekko Viitanen @Xdjk93 57 points in 42 games and finally Artair McCloud @Hoopydog with 48 points in 42 games which is very good for a defenceman. I also want to mention our two rookies, our goalkeeper Boris "the legend" Tsezar @comrade catwho has 19 wins in 32 games and DB III @wcats with an impressive 40 points in 42 games as a rookie. Finally, I really believe that this group of players have evrything they need to win everything this season.


Thanks everyone, see you next week and let's go Gladiators!!!

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