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Small Life Update

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In 2 weeks I'll finally...FINALLY, be done with school (for now). Over the last 5 years of my life, I have been working full-time toward earning my Master's degree. It's been an arduous process, taking up much of my time, concentration, and free time. Normally, a Master's degree is around 32 credits, mine is 96. Your typical bachelor's degree is around 120 credits. All of that to say that it's taken a lot of time and work, and I'm ready for this to be here. It's also exciting that I was not only my family's first college graduate but now the first to obtain a Master's degree. I'm incredibly proud of myself, and thankful for the support I've received from my wife. What's even more exciting though is the freeing of time I'll have now. I'm hoping that in my new recruitment role I'll be able to do much more, and also league-wide in general. For a good amount of time that I've been in school, the VHL has been a thing that has kept me mostly sane (which might surprise some). 

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Congratulations on this tremendous accomplishment! You’re equally amazing before and after taking ownership of this degree, but it’s definitely an achievement to be proud of!

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