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Off the Wagon


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Well, it's 1:00 AM on a Sunday, and I haven't done anything to earn this week.


And for the first time since February of 2019, way back when I first joined, I will not be earning 12 TPE. And that is perfectly fine.


I guess I could try to shoehorn an old media spot claim into the mix, as I had my mock draft written in the middle of some multi-claim, but I don't want to try to annoy the updaters (who are probably sleeping AS ALWAYS) about that and I don't want to lose out on half my TPE for the week because of it. So, I'm going to throw in the towel and only pick up 6, or 8, or 10...whatever I feel like earning tonight. 


This week has been hectic--not even two hours ago, I finished the most important group project for the most important class of my entire degree program. Our paper was 60 pages in total, and designed a full layout of a chemical plant! I won't bore you with the details, but I will say this--this semester and this year would have been the worst experience of my life if I ended up working with people I didn't like. Instead, it's likely been the best! Which, at this point, is somewhat sad--with the end of the project and the end of college comes the realization that I'm just a couple weeks away from never again being able to see some of my closest friends as often as I do. But, I have to realize one thing, which comes from quite possibly my favorite quote ever, by the ever-great Winnie the Pooh:


"How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard."


Which, in an admittedly far less meaningful way, applies to my earning streak as well. So, it's been real, but I have to go to sleep and present some stuff tomorrow.


Gustav out!

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Sometimes you just gotta leave it and not earn 12. It's not a big deal in the long run for a user as active as yourself. I've done it plenty of times.


In fact, I fucked up a trivia this week and I'm fine with earning 11/12. I don't feel like doing a VHL.com.

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1 hour ago, Gustav said:

February of 2019, way back when I first joined, I will not be earning 12 TPE

Damn, good on you. I just claimed welfare for the first time since I joined in May 2020.

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