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I should also mention.


1. Burrows was grabbing his wrist, in no way was heart issues in question.

2. Bae went on that second line and scored one nice NHL caliber goal and one goal which the goalie looked like he was from the ECHL. So not sure one can say he made them look dangerous.

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Burrows broke his rib, who even said heart attack? Gosh ur nawt ewen a true fan sandy cohen 

Sandy Cohen hahaha. Yeah they said he grabbed his wrist because it was that side of his rib cage that was broken and he had pain throughout his entire side of the body.

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Yeah he needs to play top line minutes if he ever wants to stick in the NHL. Hence his uselessness the two games before. 


His first shift in his first game he nearly set Dorsett up for a gorgeous goal, the nearly scored on his next shift. He did the same thing in his second game. He wasn't useless.



I should also mention.


1. Burrows was grabbing his wrist, in no way was heart issues in question.

2. Bae went on that second line and scored one nice NHL caliber goal and one goal which the goalie looked like he was from the ECHL. So not sure one can say he made them look dangerous.


1. Initial reports were conflicted; some said wrist, some said arm. Various media folk said he was screaming for help from the training staff. That's why people speculated it was a cardiac issue once the ambulance was brought in.


2. Dangerous =/= his goals alone. Bonino and Vrbata simply looked better when he was on their wing. Maybe that was because they were playing Edmonton, but the current setup isn't working either way. It's worth a shot.

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Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 6m dollar goaltender on the bench for probably the biggest game of the year. Sorry Eddie but Desjardins should not have started Lack in this one. Miller needs to get in and shut the fucking door.

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Oh shut up, Brovy. Miller is injured and Lack has been better all season.


This team is done. Plain and simple. They've come totally unraveled. Calgary is gonna finish this in Game 5.

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Brovy, come on. Eddie's been stellar all season and is the reason we made the playoffs. Playing him in Game 1, 2, 3 and 4 was the right decision. Eddie's been great in the playoffs so far.


Now after that 1st period? Probably time to throw in Miller.

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not spreading the hate here, but here's a post I found on reddit.


"Wanna know what fan base I hate the most? The Vancouver Canucks fan base is the worst, I absolutely hate the fan base. I can't stand them, I literally can't be in a Vancouver fan page because of the fans. Wanna know why? The fan base cheers one player, until he has one bad game than mouths off, saying he shouldn't be playing. The only canuck that hasn't gotten any hate this year is Bo Horvat, and guess what, everyone hated the kid on draft day because of the trade. You guys are already saying lack sucks? Fucking really? Lack literally brought us to the playoffs. Everyone hated on Lou, even though he is the best goalie in franchise history, now everyone comes to his first game back in Vancouver as a panther and everyone chants his name? STOP BEING HYPOCRITICAL. Yes cheer for Lou, when he came back, but even better cheer when he was a nuck. I've heard hate on Edler, hamhuis, Sedins, Higgins, bieksa, oh fuck, you hate on Vey and he's a fucking rookie who is a skilled player, want to know who got sat a lot when he was a rookie? Markus fucking Naslund and now his name is in the rafters. We weren't supposed to make the playoffs, do you not understand that the team already beat expectations? Stop fucking mouthing off the team, I fucking hate fans who only cheer for a player or team when he is playing well.

I could keep this up all day but my thumbs are sore.

This is why I hate and know the Canucks have one of the worst fan bases.



This fits for the Habs fan base too though. Like I said, not spreading the hate, just sharing what I found.

Edited by boubabi
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That post is fucking stupid.


People aren't "turning" on Lack besides a handful of retards. Every fan base has them.


Vey has been gifted powerplay time all season despite being completely ineffective after November 1st, that's why people hate him. Did that guy seriously compare Linden Vey to Markus Naslund? Wow.


No one hated Horvat on draft day, they just thought a single draft pick was a low return for Schneider. Now that he's showing what he's got, people have shut up about it.


Hamhuis has not been good this season. Edler has been terrible in the last two games after having his best game in a while in Game 2. Bieksa has been fucking terrible this season and keeps feeding Calgary bulletin board material.


Higgins is expected by this team to be a top six forward when he isn't, and that's why people get pissed off at him.


The Sedins... Who the fuck is turning on the Sedins?

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"Not spreading the hate", except the last few posts were bashing other teams. Its the same reason I can't stand the Habs/Bruins fanbases. Instead of focusing their energy on cheering their own teams, they just hate on every other team. I mean those two D's, Coburn and Carle? They beat the Lightning last season.

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