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Just a random update, I guess?

der meister

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I'm gonna stream of consciousness this a bit because that's kind of where my head is at the moment. COVID finally made its way into my household, with my oldest child contracting it either from high school or kung fu class. They're back at school already after testing positive a week ago. My wife and I tested positive 3 days later, and both still feel like absolute crapola. My younger child tested positive Tuesday, but also seems fully recovered [they had the additional benefit of just recently getting the booster dose].


Before all that happened, the 27th was my 17 year wedding anniversary. We did not celebrate, what with COVID. As I mentioned in the appreciation piece, I've been working on re-re-re-editing the first novel I ever wrote, called Bloodwalker. It's a sort of modern urban fantasy, if I had to put it in a genre bucket, and this current edit makes it a much better read than it was before. I'd still like to go the traditional publishing route at some point, but that requires a lot of luck, and I just don't seem to have that much these days. I am not against an eventual self-publish, but that requires marketing, and now Amazon has a problem because some asshole on TikTok told people to buy ebooks and return them, which actually leaves the author in debt, because Amazon charges authors a digital delivery fee when ebooks are sold and doesn't reimburse that when ebooks are returned.


I have a lot more to say but this is long already and I'm tired. 

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11 minutes ago, der meister said:

am not against an eventual self-publish, but that requires marketing, and now Amazon has a problem because some asshole on TikTok told people to buy ebooks and return them, which actually leaves the author in debt, because Amazon charges authors a digital delivery fee when ebooks are sold and doesn't reimburse that when ebooks are returned.

That's actually ridiculous, were you impacted?

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