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What a difference a Team makes.


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It's funny how different the league you're in looks, depending on which team you're on.


This .com will be more about the SBA than the VHL, really. But it will just kind of a prove a point that I think it quite important to us VHLM GMs at least. Which is that what you do in your LR matters, it can feel like it doesn't at time. But it really does.


So in the SBA I was on the Lions, which is hatty's team. My first season with them was pretty awesome, I didn't know the first think about basketball; Still don't for the most part. But between him and GP they really kept me interested and we three talked a fair bit. The boxscore threads with the 3 stars being posted after every sim gave a quick and easy way to keep up with what my player was doing and actually get invested. As well as something to talk about.


Fast forward to season two, still on the Lions. But Hatty had decided to step down, and as expected it meant his heart wasn't in the LR in the same way. I 100% understand that, and I think most GMs go through that exact same thing once they decide that they are stepping down, but still have a season to play out. GP also went on to his SBA team in Toronto. So the LR kind of became a ghost town for most of that season. Box Scores weren't always done, eventually lemorse came in as his assistant and started doing them. But it just wasn't quite the same as it had been. No offense to you lemorse, I honestly think it was more down to a lack of a 3rd active party in the LR at the time.


Now this season, I got drafted to the same team as GP as well as lemorse and was looking forward to sharing the LR with GP again, as we'd talked a lot in the Lions LR and he went out of his way to try and get me drafted to Toronto to reunite us. But that LR has no box scores being posted, no nothing really. Without the fuel to spark the discussions, which came from a dedicated GM (well AD technically, but same thing) in Hatty. It just didn't happen.


To me that really highlights the difference a GM can make to a LR, and to the enjoyment their players get out of the league. Because after that 1st playoff in the SBDL with the Lions I was actually hyped for the SBA. Now I literally just do my affiliate claiming once a week and effectively forget I'm even in the that league for the rest of the week. Which isn't ideal, but I spend too much energy on the VHL to put much more into the SBA. I think a lot of players are like that, and having the GM to give you easy content to interact with in the LR can really do a lot for those players' enjoyment.


As usual I kinda stuggled to come up with 500 words for my MS and then accidentally wrote 500 for my .com without trying. I really suck at this.😅

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4 hours ago, Shindigs said:

As usual I kinda stuggled to come up with 500 words for my MS and then accidentally wrote 500 for my .com without trying. I really suck at this.😅

I am sure Spartan would be more than happy to interchange the two in the future....not.



Edited by Daniel Janser
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Just now, Daniel Janser said:

I am sure Spartan would be more than happy to interchange the two in the future....not.



I already managed to double claim my job pay through the miracle of Spaghetti code (or something) this week. So I think he'd be slightly cross.😅

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I found the same thing from the SBA and ultimately led me to create my meme player there. There's definitely some good GM's and LRs but it's a crap shoot if you end up with one. I think engagement with the sport helps (I hate basketball) but it's easy to get the 12 there and stay "active". I'm sure a lot of SBA users feel the same way here and that's fair enough. I moved around a lot with my last SBA player and copped some shit, but I need an OK LR to even maintain my interest and with some of them, I may as well have been playing a solo game. 

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