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Zoidberg a Vampire?


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According to reports, multiple members of the Yukon Rush organization believe that Sachimo Roidberg is a vampire. 


-GM Austin Gow noticed that Roidberg had double the points in night games compared to day games


-Defensewoman and girlfriend of Roidberg noticed that Roidberg sleeps during the day and is awake at night


- Higgins Donald Draper believes that Roidberg was sucking on his blood after he had passed out drunk


- Alistar Graves thinks Roidberg  is a vampire because he never drinks water and doesn't let his teamates see what is in his "water" bottle during games


- Overlord Victor is in connection to this vampire plot because he is a British person who says bloody a lot


- Bruno Wolf believes Roidberg is a vampire because he is fat


- Squinty will be reading this hi Squinty


- I think Jason reads these too


- Victor reads every single post in the VHL ever cause he is a spy


- Boom will probably like this xm raadio

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