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Letter of Resignation


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It's been a pleasure GM'ing Moscow over the past 8 seasons. I've witnessed a full generation play out with the retirement of the S77 class, with 2 Victory Cups, 4 European Conference Championships, 2 GMotY's and a ton of individual Moscow player awards over that timespan.


I'd like to officially announce that....I cannot lose a 5th final in a row. Huzzah! Get jebaited, I'm not resigning.


Jokes aside, it sucks to not be in the finals since the goal is always to win the championship. But when you put everything into perspective, 4 finals appearances in a row across two distinct eras of the VHL while amassing all those team and indivual accolades flowing to Moscow is quite impressive and I am satisfied with it. I'd like to think we have a few HOF locks coming out of this core, with a few others that could flit with the ballot. Younger players still have the chance to shape their future along with the future of the organization. Still have plenty of draft capital and some nice prospects in the pipeline. Exciting stuff for sure.


For now, we will celebrate no longer picking at 15th overall, but at 14th instead. We will celebrate not setting a league record for consecutive finals losses. We will celebrate the retirement of a truly amazing member and player, and then we will look towards the future to see how we can build a championship-winning roster.

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