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VHFL Manager


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 Marketing Analyze GIF by Giflytics


Spreadsheet boy is dropping his favorite job!


VHFL is everyone's favorite (or most rage inducing) offseason game, and I'm looking to bring someone on to replace me. The job itself is most involved in the offseason between getting sign-ups posted, groups made, and then making sure groups are going smoothly. You will have to handle conflicts and try to figure out a rational solution.


I will continue to maintain the spreadsheet in the background and can assist if needed, so you don't really have to be an Excel/Sheets pro. Would be nice if you at least knew how some basic stuff worked.


Requirements/Would be nice to have in an applicant:

- Available in the offseason to create groups and manage them

- Decent at handling conflict

- Will not delete stuff in Sheets for no reason

- Fairly organized

- Can spell player names (otherwise I have to do more work in the file)


Pay is 2 TPE/week when VHFL is running. Apply below or DM me to discuss.

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Well I’d be interested in any opportunities to have Gm experience 


I won’t delete stuff in sheets for no Reason Although ought I wonder who would even do that 


id say I’m fairly organized 


the only ish is I don’t have a windows and I know we need that to do the lines 

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