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Henry Eagles goes 1st overall!


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Americans Selected First Overall


After lots of rumor's, multiple mock drafts and a flurry of trades at this years VHL Draft; this years VHL draft has been completed.

Surprising much of the league was the first overall pick. Everyone had pegged John Jameson as the 1st overall pick but to everyone surprise Henry Eagles was taken 1st by the Vancouver Wolves. While many of the experts and other GM's were very surprised, Henry and the Wolves knew this was coming. Discussions began halfway through the season and after a very well done interview by Eagles, he was notified that Vancouver will be interested in taking him once the draft rolled around. This information never leaked to the Media or the league and helped ruin a few mock drafts and analyst reviews.


With Henry going to Vancouver, this could potentially be a DEJA VU moment for the Eagles dynasty. For those that don't remember, back in S67, Greg Eagles was drafted 17th overall to the Vancouver Wolves. That season (although he was only a backup) the Wolves went on to win the cup. Currently with the draft pick for Henry, multiple trades and high profile free agent signings, the Wolves are once again front runners to win the cup. Could the Eagles name bring back luck to the Wolves franchise?


Many believe the answer is yes and would make for one interesting storyline. An Eagles returns to Vancouver and helps bring the cup home just like his grandfather. These are the storylines you can't script and should be a big boost for the Wolves and the VHL in the media.

After the draft the question remained if Henry would be sent down to play in the E or if Vancouver would keep him up. That question was also answered right after the draft. Henry had a discussion with his GM and even though they have acquired all this top notch talent, the Wolves management decided that they will keep Henry up. This will be an exciting opportunity for Henry to get in the VHL right away and gain experience at the top tier. Both Henry and management agreed this would be in the best interest for his development and they both believed he will be able to contribute right away.


"It's been a whirlwind since the draft and I am just excited to get started" Henry said "It's rare for a team to draft 1st overall and then be a cup front runner in the same season. This is definitely an interesting and exciting time to be a Wolves player and the fans are going to be in for one hell of a ride. Those players that I have met already are all ready to go and make this season one for the history books!"


We can't wait to see Henry get started and to see how well he will do as a rookie. Will the pressure get to him or will he thrive and create one of the more interesting story lines of the season? Only time will tell but we are excited to see it unfold.

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Just saying I knew when I did my Way way to early mock draft but purposely drafted a different player so that no one would consider that we were leaning towards taking the Eagles at #1 or when ever we selected. I love doing mock drafts but this year was harder since I am now AGMing one of the teams drafting. Still try to be honest without being too honest!! LOL! If that is a thing!! LOL!!


Happy to have landed the Eagles!!

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