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Town of Pallet #2


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26 minutes ago, Dom said:

3.1 Explore Cerulean Cave


Surfing along on your trusty Wartortle, you make your way into Cerulean Cave. You notice a couple of strange rock formations near the entrance. As you approach them, they start approaching you back!


Pokemon Level
Ekans 19
Larvitar 21
Larvitar 21
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25 minutes ago, OrbitingDeath said:

A1: explore goldenrod city again until that damned riolu pops up for me at 4:48 am 


"RIOLU! YOU WILL BE MINE!" You shout throughout the city. You get some strange looks, but you know it'll be worth it! You turn the corner and find exactly what you were not looking for!


Pokemon Level
Elekid 17
Mimikyu 17
Eevee 21
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2 minutes ago, Ptyrell said:

You know that big beautiful bird is around here somewhere...


You search and search and find...


Ponyta 19
Onix 19
Ponyta 19


Great Balls on Onix. @OrbitingDeath  DM me 👁️


Poliwag/Water Gun on both Ponyta; Ralts/Confusion as backup and Flareon/Bite as backup-backup if necessary. It shouldn't come to that.


ACTION 2: Mt. Moon again.

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6 minutes ago, omgitshim said:


Surfing along on your trusty Wartortle, you make your way into Cerulean Cave. You notice a couple of strange rock formations near the entrance. As you approach them, they start approaching you back!



Pokemon Level
Ekans 19
Larvitar 21
Larvitar 21

I'll catch a larvitar using great balls and fight the other pokemons with my wartorttle as lead

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20 minutes ago, omgitshim said:


Upon seeing the pokemon, you reach for your Pokeballs, but nothing's there? Realizing you have no Pokeballs, you instead grab your Great Balls and begin chucking them wildly. In total it takes you 5 tosses, but you manage to catch both the Squirtle and the Dratini.


Ivysaur sneezes in Poliwag's general direction and it just falls over.


Ivysaur gains 1 level, and the Poliwag left $89.




You use your expertise as a Camp Councilor to moonlight as... a Camp Councilor. You earn $713.

Thank you! 

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21 minutes ago, Lemorse7 said:

Action 2 Golenrod ciry 


You hear someone shouting "RIOLU! YOU WILL BE MINE!" and decide you're going to go in the opposite direction. You stumble across a kitten's den!


Pokemon Level
Meowth 17
Mimikyu 22
Meowth 18


21 minutes ago, Lemorse7 said:

Action 3 Bell tower


After your excursion throughout the city, you head into the Bell Tower. Surprisingly, you stumble across another kitten's den!


Pokemon Level
Gastly 20
Sneasel 21
Meowth 17
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17 minutes ago, dlamb said:

Happy Blush GIF by Pokémon

(Riolu time???)

Buy 2 Great Balls


3.1 and 3.2: Work


You star in a movie as Andy Sandberg's father's stunt double. You earn $1479 for the performance.


17 minutes ago, dlamb said:

3.3: Explore Bell Tower


You enter the Tower, but notice it is much darker than usual. You see a faint glow coming from one of the rooms and decide to follow the source of light.


Pokemon Level
Charmander 21
Honedge 21
Charmander 20
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13 minutes ago, omgitshim said:


"RIOLU! YOU WILL BE MINE!" You shout throughout the city. You get some strange looks, but you know it'll be worth it! You turn the corner and find exactly what you were not looking for!



Pokemon Level
Elekid 17
Mimikyu 17
Eevee 21

Catch mimkyu with great balls.

Let honedge night slash the elekid

Magnemite with amulet coin uses its thunder attacks on the eevee

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19 minutes ago, omgitshim said:

ou hear someone shouting "RIOLU! YOU WILL BE MINE!" and decide you're going to go in the opposite direction. You stumble across a kitten's den!



Pokemon Level
Meowth 17
Mimikyu 22
Meowth 18

Use Riolu Double kick on both Meowth finish with Jolteon using Thunder if dead switch to Jolteon for Mimikyu

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23 minutes ago, omgitshim said:
48 minutes ago, Lemorse7 said:



After your excursion throughout the city, you head into the Bell Tower. Surprisingly, you stumble across another kitten's den!



Pokemon Level
Gastly 20
Sneasel 21
Meowth 17

Catch Sneasel with Great balls 

Fight Meowth with Riolu using double kick switch to Axew using Dragon claw on Gastly 

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18 minutes ago, Gustav said:


Great Balls on Onix. @OrbitingDeath  DM me 👁️


Poliwag/Water Gun on both Ponyta; Ralts/Confusion as backup and Flareon/Bite as backup-backup if necessary. It shouldn't come to that.


You laugh manically at the giant rock snake. "You're no match for me! I'll catch you in a single Great Ball!" Your confidence knows no bounds, as you turn your back and toss the ball blindly.


Luckily for you, Onix is like 3000 miles wide and you manage to catch it with ease!


As a trained professional of Fire Type pokemon, you know that a Ponyta is no match for your Poliwag. After all, Water Gun will easily surpress it's flames. Right? 




Well uh, this Ponyta's got a mean Flamethrower and your Poliwag goes up in smoke.


But that's ok, you've got a Ralts. Confusion will finish it off!


Won't it?




No, it won't. 


You sigh. You were so sure you wouldn't need to rely on Flareon, and yet here we are, back with Flareon needed to defeat both of these Ponyta. Sheesh, maybe you should have trained yours more, you think to yourself.


Flareon gains 1 level. $287 is found.


18 minutes ago, Gustav said:

ACTION 2: Mt. Moon again.


You're determined to find it. You know it's here. You see a flame approaching. Could it be?!


Pokemon Level
Onix 21
Onix 18
Litwick 22
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10 minutes ago, omgitshim said:
Pokemon Level
Onix 21
Onix 18
Litwick 22


Sorry for the lack of modding today but I'm on-and-off writing an article.


Great Balls on Litwick.


If I catch:


Poliwag with Water Gun/Ralts with Confusion/Flareon with Bite in that order on both Onix; I don't care which one goes first.


If I don't:


Same thing but start against Litwick



Action 3: Route 1

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1 hour ago, Dom said:

I'll catch a larvitar using great balls and fight the other pokemons with my wartorttle as lead

Pokemon Level
Ekans 19
Larvitar 21
Larvitar 21


You catch Larvitar in 1 throw! Nice aim!


Wartortle takes out Larvitar but Ekans barely survives. Who do you want to finish it off?


Wartortle gains 3 levels and you gain $282.

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2 hours ago, OrbitingDeath said:

Catch mimkyu with great balls.

Let honedge night slash the elekid

Magnemite with amulet coin uses its thunder attacks on the eevee

Elekid 17
Mimikyu 17
Eevee 21


You catch Mimikyu on the 2nd ball

Honedge takes out Elekid and gains 2 levels. You gain $117

Eevee beats Magnemite with just 4 HP left! Who do you want to finish the job?

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