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1 hour ago, OrbitingDeath said:

A7.2: Buy Synthesis TM and learn this to Steelix


Battle vs Karen:


Charizard (/w Quick Claw) Fire Blasts
Steelix (/w Leftovers) vs Umbreon:

Iron Tail, Iron Tail, Iron Tail, Synthesis, Iron Tail, Iron Tail, Synthesis, Iron Tail, Synthesis, Iron Tail, Synthesis, Iron Tail, Synthesis, Iron Tail (should be dead now but continued to be certain)

Steelix Iron Tails Tyranitar

Aegislash-Sword (/w Focus Sash) - Sacred Sword on Tyranittar


Charizard handles Zoroark thanks to Quick Claw

Steelix and Umbreon go the distance thanks to Umbreon's Shell Bell delaying the match even more. In the end, Steelix can't be stopped.

Tyranitar takes 2 hits to take out Steelix, meaning its Enigma Berry is somewhat wasted! Aegislash-Sword is able to take it the rest of the way out in 1 shot.


You've defeated Karen!

4 levels to everyone

Edited by Ptyrell
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1 hour ago, JardyB10 said:

- Purchase Focus Sash from Pokemart


Action 7.1: Challenge Bruno


- Equip Focus Sash on Weavile

- Equip Quick Claw on Charizard


- Charizard leads. Use Air Slash on Heracross, and Blast Burn on Hawlucha

- Weavile enters next. Use Ice Beam on Hawlucha and Revenge on Lucario

- Magnezone enters last. Use Zap Cannon on Lucario

Charizard takes out the muscle-bug in 2 hits.

Hawlucha brings Charizard down to 10 HP! If it had Wise Glasses it would have finished it. But instead it has a Sitrus berry which it eats after getting blast burned.

Weavile does an impressive 229 damage to finish off Hawlucha.

Lucario does an even more impressive 483 damage to Weavile! That's gotta be the most I've seen this round. Thankfully the Focus Sash holds Weavile on its feet! It gets a Revenge hit off before falling.
Lucario only has 0.5 HP remaining! The Zone finishes it off and learns a lot while doing so.


You've defeated Bruno!

The Zone gains 4 levels, the others gain 3.

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A7.3 Challenge Bruno2


Charizard /w Quick Claw - Fire Blast Heracross / Air Slash Hawlucha
Aegislash-Sword /w Focus Sash - Retaliate 2 to Hawlucha, followed by Iron Head, Sacred Sword to Lucario
Steelix /w Leftovers - Dig to Lucario

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43 minutes ago, Ptyrell said:

Throw greatballs at Pumpkaboo lv 30 and Ponyta. Regular pokeballs if needed.


Pidgey uses Gust against the other Pumpkaboo.

Then if it faints, Grubbin uses Bite and holds Leftovers


A2: if Grubbin evolved, go to Saffron City. Otherwise go to Route 1


You catch the Pumpkaboo on the 2nd attempt,  Ponyta stays in the first great ball.  You acquired two new friends!



The Pumpakboo opens with a razor leaf, while pidgey counters with gusts of their own. Due to it not being a very intelligent pumpkaboo, he tries to shadow sneak pidgey down, but the move does 0 damage to the bird.  They switch some more blows until the pumkaboo goes down.


Pidgey gains 4 levels and you gain $127

A2: Route 1:

Happy GIF by South Park

Pokemon Level
Exeggcute 28
Exeggcute 26
Exeggcute 29



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7.1: Challenge Giovanni.


Quick Claw on Gardevoir, Oran Berry on Poliwrath, Focus Band on Flareon (though I hope that won't be necessary). 


1. Gardevoir/Moonblast


2. Poliwrath/Hydro Pump


3. Flareon/Fire Blast

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Buy as many Greatballs as possible.


7.2 visit lake of rage


Catch everything (if legendary shows up catch them last)


if I fail to catch everything give EXP share to cutiefly and take out wild Pokémon with Fraxure.

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13 hours ago, OrbitingDeath said:


You catch the Pumpkaboo on the 2nd attempt,  Ponyta stays in the first great ball.  You acquired two new friends!



The Pumpakboo opens with a razor leaf, while pidgey counters with gusts of their own. Due to it not being a very intelligent pumpkaboo, he tries to shadow sneak pidgey down, but the move does 0 damage to the bird.  They switch some more blows until the pumkaboo goes down.


Pidgey gains 4 levels and you gain $127




A2: Route 1:


Happy GIF by South Park





Pokemon Level
Exeggcute 28
Exeggcute 26
Exeggcute 29



And Pidgey should evolve!


Use greatballs then pokeballs on lv 29 Exeggcute.


Against the lv 26 exeggcute first, koffing will start and use Self Destruct.

Grubbin next will use bug Bite.

Then ponyta last uses flamethrower


A3 Saffron City

Edited by Ptyrell
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Action 7.2: Challenge Karen


Floating in on her balloon to the final Elite Four member, Jessie proclaims, "It is time for me to speak to YOUR manager!" Battle commences.


- EXP Share on Blastoise

- Quick Claw on Charizard

- Focus Sash on Weavile


- Lead with Charizard, who will spam Fire Blast

- Zoney M comes next, spamming Zap Cannon

- Weavile finishes, spamming Revenge

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On 9/12/2022 at 3:33 AM, OrbitingDeath said:



A7.3 Challenge Bruno2


Charizard /w Quick Claw - Fire Blast Heracross / Air Slash Hawlucha
Aegislash-Sword /w Focus Sash - Retaliate 2 to Hawlucha, followed by Iron Head, Sacred Sword to Lucario
Steelix /w Leftovers - Dig to Lucario

Bruno2 Welcomes your challenge and send out Heracross!

Heracross Pokémon Heracross GIF - Heracross Pokémon Heracross Tackle -  Discover & Share GIFs

You send out your Charizard and make quick work of Heracorss and finish them in 2 fire blasts! Charizard is at 155.5 health!

Charizard Gif - IceGif

Bruno sends out Hawlucha and uses airslash on Charizard, who counters with airslah! Charizard falls to Hawlucha!

You send out Aegislash-Sword and use retaliate which 1-shots Hawlucha!

Aegislash | Wiki | Pokémon Amino

Bruno sends out his final pokemon, Lucario who uses Meteor MAsh on Aegislash and is able to take them out in 2 hots while tanking a Sacred Sword counter!

You send out your Steelix who only needs 1 dig to take out Lucario!

Pokemon In Action (+ Digimon) — Steelix used Dig! ~ Sun / Moon Ep. 43


You have defeated Bruno2!


Charizard gains 2 levels

Aegislash gains 3 levels

Steelix gains 3 levels

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4 hours ago, Alex said:

Pidgey evolves into Pidgeotto!

Eevee levels up! 

wasn't the Eevee suppose to evolve to a Leafeon because of the tm fairy move that I buy and out it on

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1 hour ago, Lemorse7 said:

wasn't the Eevee suppose to evolve to a Leafeon because of the tm fairy move that I buy and out it on


Actually, that's Sylveon! I'll take care of that.

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On 9/12/2022 at 8:52 AM, Ricer13 said:

7.2 Challenge Erika 


Start off with Ivysaur who will body slam 

Then Next out will be electabuzz who will use double kick.

Bring our Arcanine with flamethrower 


You roll into Erika's gym with your own Grass-type in Ivysaur, who will use its Normal-type move to avoid the issues associated with such things. The Victreebell you're up against, though, is holding an Enigma Berry and has a Poison-type move in the bag. Though you've gotten the first move, Erika has already flipped the script as Victreebell is the one who picks up the first knockout of the match.


For your second fighter, you send in Electabuzz, who elects to buzz--wait, no, it doesn't! Electabuzz uses Double Kick, and Victreebell is still in it!


Victreebell counters with Leaf Blade, and Electabuzz survives and deals your first knockout of the match. That Leaf Blade has done a number on Electabuzz, though, and Erika sends out Leafeon to finish the job.


You're down to your last fighter in Arcanine, while Erika has two left at full HP. Will the type difference be enough to get you a win?



Arcanine gets the first move with Flamethrower on Leafeon, which Leafeon survives. It's able to hit back with Double-Edge, which damages it a bit, but more importantly, knocks you below half HP. You get a knockout on the next move.



Erika brings in Exeggutor, who uses Psychic...



...and knocks out Arcanine.


You have been DEFEATED by Erika.


Electabuzz gains 2 levels; Arcanine gains 3 levels. 




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On 9/12/2022 at 1:21 PM, Alex said:

Buy as many Greatballs as possible.


7.2 visit lake of rage


Catch everything (if legendary shows up catch them last)


if I fail to catch everything give EXP share to cutiefly and take out wild Pokémon with Fraxure.


It's ragin' time.


You spend $1,080 on 6 Great Balls and head down to the lake.


There, you find:


Sneasel lv 27

Scyther lv 25

Sneasel lv 25


You throw your Great Balls at them in order, catching all of them with...exactly the number you bought.

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21 hours ago, Ptyrell said:

And Pidgey should evolve!


Use greatballs then pokeballs on lv 29 Exeggcute.


Against the lv 26 exeggcute first, koffing will start and use Self Destruct.

Grubbin next will use bug Bite.

Then ponyta last uses flamethrower


A3 Saffron City


You catch Exeggcute on your second Great Ball.


Koffing leads in with Self-Destruct, blowing itself up but dealing a hit to the first Exeggcute. You follow with Grubbin, who gets the knockout on the next move.


The next Exeggcute comes in and uses Mega Drain...which isn't very effective. You hit back with Bug Bite, and Exeggcute uses Mega Drain again. You're still in it, and Exeggcute, with one more chance to make it work, uses...



...Mega Drain AGAIN. Grubbin gets two knockouts!


Grubbin gains 8 levels (and evolves into Charjabug!) and you earn $256.



"It's Saffrin' time", you say as you head into Saffron City. There, you're met with...


Eevee lv 28

Grubbin lv 30

Growlithe lv 30

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6 hours ago, Alex said:

You make $1026 as the curator of Bell Tower!


In the Bell Tower you find:


Litwick 30
Charmander 27
Honedge 27

fight Litwick with Wartortle with Water pulse keep pulsing to Charmander continue with Dratini if Wartortle faint on Charmander with water pulse (keep pulsing). fight Honedge with Ponyta Flamethrower 

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14 hours ago, JardyB10 said:

Action 7.2: Challenge Karen


Floating in on her balloon to the final Elite Four member, Jessie proclaims, "It is time for me to speak to YOUR manager!" Battle commences.


- EXP Share on Blastoise

- Quick Claw on Charizard

- Focus Sash on Weavile


- Lead with Charizard, who will spam Fire Blast

- Zoney M comes next, spamming Zap Cannon

- Weavile finishes, spamming Revenge


"Jessie," you say to yourself, "we need to cook."


Cook you do with Charizard leading off the battle and using Fire Blast on Karen's Zoroark. It survives, and hits you with Foul Play, but your next attack goes through just fine and you have yourself the first knockout of the match.


Karen sends out Umbreon, equipping it with Wise Glasses to (hopefully) offset some of the Pokemon's characteristic weaker attacks. One Dark Pulse, and the score is evened up at one knockout apiece.


So, you bring in your trusted Zoney M and Zap Cannon. Though Umbreon has lower attacks than most others at its level, its HP is going to be tough to get around. Coincidentally, the same can be said to some extent about Zoney M, so this is going to get interesting...



One Zap Cannon, and Umbreon is able to hit back with Dark Pulse.



Zoney M stays up and hits back.



Umbreon is still in it and loads up another Dark Pulse...



...which Zoney M survives! Yet another attack, and Umbreon is knocked out by the slimmest of margins. One Oran Berry, and it's possible that this fight could have ended differently.





Naturally, one attack from the next Pokemon in scores a knockout and gets both you and Karen down to your last Pokemon, but who's got the first move?



You do, and you use Revenge...which is super effective! Unluckily for you, Tyranitar is still standing.


Tyranitar uses Stone Edge, and Weavile is knocked out...or is it?



You've had the presence of mind to give Weavile a Focus Sash--and Weavile stays in the fight! One more move, and you finish the battle!


🎉 YOU'VE DEFEATED KAREN--and the entire Elite Four! 🎉


Charizard and Weavile gain 3 levels, while Zoney M gains 4 Charizard and Weavile gain 1.5 levels, Zoney M gains 2, and Blastoise gains 6.



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