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16 minutes ago, Lemorse7 said:

fight Litwick with Wartortle with Water pulse keep pulsing to Charmander continue with Dratini if Wartortle faint on Charmander with water pulse (keep pulsing). fight Honedge with Ponyta Flamethrower 


Wartortle gains 5 levels and Ponyta gains 1 level. You earn $359.

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7.3: work


Buy as many Greatballs as possible.


7.4 visit lake of rage


Catch everything (if legendary shows up catch them last)


if I fail to catch everything give EXP share to cutiefly and take out wild Pokémon with Fraxure.

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23 hours ago, omgitshim said:

Buy Fishing Rod

Buy Incense

Buy Mini-TM to teach Eevee Self Destruct


7.3: Go fishing with incense!


You spend $1,050 on the above and head out to wherever it is you like to head out to to fish.


Set A

Magikarp lv 25

Squirtle lv 29

Squirtle lv 27


Set B

Squirtle lv 30

Pidgey lv 30

Horsea lv 29


Set C

Poliwag lv 30

Horsea lv 25

Poliwag lv 30

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14 minutes ago, Gustav said:


Set B

Squirtle lv 30

Pidgey lv 30

Horsea lv 29



Taking this set.


Celebi starts against Pidgey. Use Future Sight, then Recover, then switch to Eevee for when Future Sight lands.

Squirtle next, switch back to Celebi. Use Future Sight, then Psychic, then switch back to Eevee again for when Future Sight lands.

Horsea last, leave Eevee in and have it Self-Destruct.


Eevee should evolve into Espeon.

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4 hours ago, Gustav said:


You catch Exeggcute on your second Great Ball.


Koffing leads in with Self-Destruct, blowing itself up but dealing a hit to the first Exeggcute. You follow with Grubbin, who gets the knockout on the next move.


The next Exeggcute comes in and uses Mega Drain...which isn't very effective. You hit back with Bug Bite, and Exeggcute uses Mega Drain again. You're still in it, and Exeggcute, with one more chance to make it work, uses...


  Reveal hidden contents

...Mega Drain AGAIN. Grubbin gets two knockouts!


Grubbin gains 8 levels (and evolves into Charjabug!) and you earn $256.



"It's Saffrin' time", you say as you head into Saffron City. There, you're met with...


Eevee lv 28

Grubbin lv 30

Growlithe lv 30

Catch Eevee and Growlithe with pokeballs then ultra balls


Charjabug uses spark on Grubbin.


If Eevee

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On 9/12/2022 at 8:57 AM, Gustav said:

7.1: Challenge Giovanni.


Quick Claw on Gardevoir, Oran Berry on Poliwrath, Focus Band on Flareon (though I hope that won't be necessary). 


1. Gardevoir/Moonblast


2. Poliwrath/Hydro Pump


3. Flareon/Fire Blast




"A challenge?! But it's beach time! Fine let's make this quick!"


Gardevoir leads off with a Moonblast against Giovanni's Persian. It Slashes back, then falls to a 2nd Moonblast, it's Focus Sash not showing much use.


Pupitar comes in next with an Earthquake. It's Wise Glasses give it quite the punch, but Gardevoir hangs on long enough to get a Moonblast off. A 2nd Earthquake finishes the job.


Poliwrath comes in and destroys Pupitar with a single Hydro Pump.


Rhydon is next and unleashes its own Earthquake. Poliwrath weathers the hit and munches an Oran Berry. Hydro Pump comes out and does a number on Rhydon. Rhydon does another Earthquake, but Poliwrath hangs on. Rhydon heals a bit off of its Shell Bell, but it does nothing to mitigate the incoming Hydro Pump.



Burglar wins!


Gardevoir gains 3 levels.

Poliwrath gains 8 levels.


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4 hours ago, Alex said:

7.3: work



Buy as many Greatballs as possible.


You spend a year teaching a 3rd grade English class and earn $1,024. You then blow all your money on 6 great balls.


4 hours ago, Alex said:

7.4 visit lake of rage


Catch everything (if legendary shows up catch them last)


if I fail to catch everything give EXP share to cutiefly and take out wild Pokémon with Fraxure.


You head to the lake searching for the fabled red Gyarados. You sorta find it, it just hasn't evolved yet.


Pokemon Level
Magikarp 29
Wooloo 26
Sneasel 30



Magikarp and Wooloo are caught on the first try! Sneasel takes two.

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18 minutes ago, Ptyrell said:

Catch Eevee and Growlithe with pokeballs then ultra balls


Charjabug uses spark on Grubbin.


If Eevee


After 3 Pokeballs, Eevee is captured. Growlithe breaks free from your last 2 Pokeballs. You try an Ultra Ball and it works!


Charjabug knocks out Grubbin and gains 3 levels. It does a magical transformation!



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7.2: Challenge Lorelei. It's Elite Four time!


Quick Claw on Poliwrath if there's any question of who goes first when there's a tie in levels. If I get the first move regardless, I guess I'll save the berries and use the Focus Sash because I'm paranoid.


Focus Band on Flareon and Gardevoir.


1. Poliwrath; use Dynamic Punch on Weavile and Hydro Pump on Mamoswine.


2. Flareon/Fire Blast


3. Gardevoir/Moonblast

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1 minute ago, Gustav said:

7.2: Challenge Lorelei. It's Elite Four time!


Quick Claw on Poliwrath if there's any question of who goes first when there's a tie in levels. If I get the first move regardless, I guess I'll save the berries and use the Focus Sash because I'm paranoid.


Focus Band on Flareon and Gardevoir.


1. Poliwrath; use Dynamic Punch on Weavile and Hydro Pump on Mamoswine.


2. Flareon/Fire Blast


3. Gardevoir/Moonblast




Poliwrath comes out swinging and socks Weavile in the face with a Dynamic Punch! Weavile survives thanks to its Enigma Berry, and it enacts its Revenge upon Poliwrath. It does quite a bit of damage, but falls to the next Dynamic Punch.


Lorelei sends out Mamoswine next, and one Earthquake takes down Poliwrath.


Burglar, visibly upset by these events, turns to Charizard. And by Charizard, I mean Flareon. Flareon unleashes a Fire Blast, which does great damage to Mamoswine, but less so thanks to an Enigma Berry. Mamoswine counters with an Earthquake, and Flareon hangs on thanks to having 5 more HP than the damage done. Another Fire Blast takes out Mamoswine.


Lorelei comes in with her heavy hitter: Lapras. It leads with Hydro Pump, which destroys Flareon. Burglar down to his final pokemon now.


Gardevoir comes in hot with a Moonblast, though the damage is dampened thanks yet another Enigma Berry. Hydro Pump knocks Gardevoir to the ground, but it's still standing. Another Moonblast comes out but Lapras tanks it like a champ. One last Hydro Pump and down goes Gardevo-



















And it's just enough to take down Lapras! Burglar wins!


Poliwrath gains 2 levels.

Flareon gains 3 levels.

Gardevoir gains 4 levels.




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14 minutes ago, Ricer13 said:

7.3 Buy Incense and Go fishing 


You put out some Sweet Scents and lure a bunch of pokemon to your location!


Pokemon Level
Poliwag 26
Pidgey 28
Squirtle 28


Pokemon Level
Bellsprout 28
Magikarp 27
Cutiefly 26


Pokemon Level
Pidgey 26
Poliwag 29
Lugia 30


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24 minutes ago, omgitshim said:

Pidgey 26 Poliwag 29 Lugia 30

Please use the masterball to catch Lugia! 

Use electabuzz to finish the remaining mons and lugia if they escape somehow.

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7.3: Challenge Bruno


Quick Claw on Poliwrath; Focus Band on Gardevoir and Flareon.


1. Poliwrath with Hydro Pump on Steelix/Dynamic Punch on Poliwrath


2. Gardevoir/Moonblast


3. Flareon/Fire Blast

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32 minutes ago, Ricer13 said:

Please use the masterball to catch Lugia! 

Use electabuzz to finish the remaining mons and lugia if they escape somehow.


Lugia has been caught! I'm glad you got it after all.


Electabuzz gains 1.5 levels and you earn $207.

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4 hours ago, omgitshim said:


Taking this set.


Celebi starts against Pidgey. Use Future Sight, then Recover, then switch to Eevee for when Future Sight lands.

Squirtle next, switch back to Celebi. Use Future Sight, then Psychic, then switch back to Eevee again for when Future Sight lands.

Horsea last, leave Eevee in and have it Self-Destruct.


Eevee should evolve into Espeon.


Eevee gains 12 levels--and evolves into Espeon!--and you earn $335.

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7.4 Challenge Erika


Start with Smoochum using Ice punch. Hopefully the type advantage will make up for the level difference.


Next use Lugia: Use Aeroblast as many times as it takes.

Lastly use Arcanine to Flamethrower some b*tches.

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15 minutes ago, Gustav said:

7.3: Challenge Bruno


Quick Claw on Poliwrath; Focus Band on Gardevoir and Flareon.


1. Poliwrath with Hydro Pump on Steelix/Dynamic Punch on Poliwrath


2. Gardevoir/Moonblast


3. Flareon/Fire Blast


We don't talk about Bru- 


wait did I make this joke already?



Poliwrath utilizes its Quick Claw to get the upperhand on Steelix. Hydro Pump comes out and knocks it under half health. Steelix counters with Dig, which doesn't do much, but it also eats a Sitrus Berry to recover some HP. They Berry is effective, as Steelix survives a 2nd Hydro Pump. Dig still doesn't do much, and a 3rd Hydro Pump finishes the job.


Bruno comes in flying with his own Poliwrath now, and we got a Dynamic Punch boxing fest. Bruno's gets a nasty right hook in, then Burglars comes with a solid jab, but Bruno's is holding an Enigma Berry and resists the jab. Another right hook sends Burglar's Poli back to the ball.


Burglar responds with Gardevoir, and one Moonblast is enough to knock out Poliwrath! Or at least it would have been had it not been for that pesky Enigma Berry from before! Poli gets a cheeky Hydro Pump off to weaken Gardevoir before succumbing to another Moonblast.


Machamp joins the fight, and it uses Knock Off to remove Gardevoir's Focus Band! Moonblast does a number on Machamp (less so thanks to an Enigma Berry) but a 2nd Knock Off knocks Gardevoir out! The Focus Band begins to shake, as if it were going to activate, but Gardevoir was no longer wearing it...


Burglar turns to his trusty Flareon, and one Fire Blast is enough to end the battle.


Burglar wins!


Poliwrath gains 3 levels.

Gardevoir gains 3 levels.

Flareon gains 4 levels.


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59 minutes ago, Ricer13 said:

7.4 Challenge Erika


Start with Smoochum using Ice punch. Hopefully the type advantage will make up for the level difference.


Next use Lugia: Use Aeroblast as many times as it takes.

Lastly use Arcanine to Flamethrower some b*tches.




Erika laughs as you pull out Smoochum. She sends out Victreebel and a single Leaf Blade knocks it out.


Ash is shocked, but ready. He responds with Lugia. Erika drops her jaw a bit as a mighty Aeroblast nearly one shots her Victreebel. It comes back with a Knock Off, but a 2nd Aeroblast destroys it.


Erika, still surprised by the sight of Lugia, sends out Leafeon. It uses Leaf Blade, but it's not very effective. Aeroblast does major damage to Leafeon. Leafeon braces up and uses Double-Edge, knowing it wouldn't survive another Aeroblast. Lugia barely hangs on with 8 HP and is able to finish off Leafeon.


Erika, now upset, sends out Exeggcutor, who uses Psychic to finish off Lugia. 


Ash sends out Arcanine and uses Flamethrower. Exeggcutor recovers a bit with Leftovers and fires off a nasty Psychic, but a 2nd Flamethrower takes it down!


Ash wins!


Lugia gains 7 levels.

Arcanine gains 3 levels.


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7.4: Challenge Agatha


Quick Claw on Poliwrath, Focus Band on Flareon and Gardevoir.


1. Poliwrath/Hydro Pump


2. Flareon/Fire Blast


3. Gardevoir/Psychic

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8 hours ago, omgitshim said:




Erika laughs as you pull out Smoochum. She sends out Victreebel and a single Leaf Blade knocks it out.


Ash is shocked, but ready. He responds with Lugia. Erika drops her jaw a bit as a mighty Aeroblast nearly one shots her Victreebel. It comes back with a Knock Off, but a 2nd Aeroblast destroys it.


Erika, still surprised by the sight of Lugia, sends out Leafeon. It uses Leaf Blade, but it's not very effective. Aeroblast does major damage to Leafeon. Leafeon braces up and uses Double-Edge, knowing it wouldn't survive another Aeroblast. Lugia barely hangs on with 8 HP and is able to finish off Leafeon.


Erika, now upset, sends out Exeggcutor, who uses Psychic to finish off Lugia. 


Ash sends out Arcanine and uses Flamethrower. Exeggcutor recovers a bit with Leftovers and fires off a nasty Psychic, but a 2nd Flamethrower takes it down!


Ash wins!


Lugia gains 7 levels.

Arcanine gains 3 levels.


Poor Smoochum 🤣

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18 hours ago, Gustav said:

7.4: Challenge Agatha


Quick Claw on Poliwrath, Focus Band on Flareon and Gardevoir.


1. Poliwrath/Hydro Pump


2. Flareon/Fire Blast


3. Gardevoir/Psychic




"You wish to challenge me? Very well."




Agatha leads with Chandelure, but Burglar's Poliwrath gets first strike with its Quick Claw. Hydro Pump comes out and puts the hurt on Chandelure. It returns fire with Shadow Ball, healing a bit with its Shell Bell, but a 2nd Hydro Pump overwhelms it. Agatha swaps to Aegislash.




Or should I say Aegisblock? The Shield form has a ton of health, but it's reduced attack means Sacred Sword doesn't do much to Poliwrath. Hydro Pump comes out and does what would be good damage to most other pokemon, but Aegislash tanks it like a champ. They trade blows again before the 3rd Sacred Sword finally knocks out Poliwrath. Burglar goes to Flareon.




And a single Fire Blast melts away the rest of Aegislash's health. Time for Agatha's secret weapon.




Gengar comes out firing with Shadow Ball, dealing massive damage to Flareon. Flareon counters with Fire Blast, knocking Gengar under half health despite the Enigma Berry it's holding. Gengar sneaks around though and stabs Flareon with a Poison Jab and down it goes. Only one pokemon le-









stays down, it's Focus Band not reacting.



Here comes Gardevoir!




One Psychic hits Gengar in the naughty place and knocks it out! Burglar wins!


Poliwrath gains 3 levels.

Flareon gains 3 levels.

Gardevoir gains 4 levels.



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