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A New Start


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News and Notes from around the league:


- Naomi Young is the poopiest rookie in the league, but doesn't give a poop.


- How about dat top Calgary line?  Michal Wozniak leads the league with 22 points in 7 games, because I think he's autistic or something.  Clark Marcellin-Labatte is right behind him with 21 points, then Volodymyr Rybak (this man's prediction for Brooks-Szatkowski) and Chico Salmon (!?) with 16 points.


- After 6-8 games, there are two goalies at the top of the league with nearly identical stats.  One is, unsurprisingly, Remy LeGodbeau.  The other?  Evgeni "Jason White" Chekhov.


- Young's agent, Jardy Bunclewirth, has been living off free food for now two days in a row.  Yesterday was pizza, today is hot dogs.  In unrelated news, #CholesteralProblems.


- Tomas Valiq currently leads the league in Empty Net goals with one.


- Quebec is still the gayest team in the league.


And that's what you need to know!

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  • Commissioner

This is the 3rd goalie I've made yet you chose to put my "nickname" as one of my skaters?


Also, not to try and bring myself down but just being honest, my stats are probably a bit inflated from pretty much all my games being against Seattle.

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It was more of a reference to how Jason White sort of "randomly" had that one unreal season.  Chekhov is still really young and compared to guys like LeBeau and Labatte who literally have everything except Experience maxed, it's funny how he's doing as good/better than them.


But yes, I realized 8 games is a tiny sample size and everything will be different by season's end.  I was just bored and having fun.

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  • Commissioner

It was more of a reference to how Jason White sort of "randomly" had that one unreal season.  Chekhov is still really young and compared to guys like LeBeau and Labatte who literally have everything except Experience maxed, it's funny how he's doing as good/better than them.


But yes, I realized 8 games is a tiny sample size and everything will be different by season's end.  I was just bored and having fun.

Makes sense. I would certainly enjoy another White-like season haha. No idea where that season came from but I certainly enjoyed it.


I imagine by the 20 game mark or so everything goalie wise will be straightened out to what people expect.

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Based on my one test sim it will be either Wozniak or Rybak for both Points and Goals.  Marcellin is a lock for assists. ;)


Sadly, having the two top scorers, the top defenceman, and a 99 overall goalie will make it hard for anyone on Calgary to win the Campbell.  But there's always Cup finals!

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