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Fixing an outdated trivia question


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This morning, I went to do my weekly trivia, and I was met with something quite disturbing.


"How many total championships do the Vancouver Wolves (Including their time as the Quebec City Meute) have?"


As soon as I saw it, I suspected the answer was going to be incorrect, because I knew that Vancouver had just won a championship. The very first trivia question I received since they won the Cup was asking about how many the franchise had won. I know it's been mentioned before that outdated questions do exist in the trivia bank, but most questions how there will have an "as of _______" tacked in there so technically the answers aren't out of date, it's the questions that are. Luckily, the correct answer to the question at hand was not an option, so I chose the answer that was one fewer, and lo and behold, I received my precious TPE. For an incorrect answer. Now, how would we fix this question? The most common suggestion would probably be that it should have "as of _____" on there, like I mentioned just moments ago in addition to right now in order to increase my word count for this article. I have a better fix, however.


Instead, we change the franchise in question. Ask how many total championships the New York Americans (including their time as the Hamilton Canucks) have. The Canucks part is irrelevant, because they didn't win any in Hamilton, but we might as well throw it in there for the sake of symmetry. This will solve the problem of the answer potentially becoming outdated, because the Americans are very clearly done winning championships.

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2 hours ago, Spartan said:

You had me in the first part not gonna lie. But I believe the question you referenced has been edited very recently today to add in "as of S85"

I had this question this morning and i'm pretty sure no " as of..." was included

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5 hours ago, Spartan said:

You had me in the first part not gonna lie. But I believe the question you referenced has been edited very recently today to add in "as of S85"

Why not simply fixing the number if you have to edit it anyway though? 

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1 hour ago, Dom said:

Why not simply fixing the number if you have to edit it anyway though? 

I mean if you are new and asked someone where to find it and they point you to https://vhlportal.com/hof/cupwinners/vhl or https://vhlportal.com/teams/29  you will not find the right answer because nothing has been updated yet.  Maybe the person helping you will think oh yeah bee tee dubs they also just won but also probably not since you tend to just give people sources.

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