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The Wheel And Only The Wheel Will Decide Who Goes First Overall In The Season 87 Draft


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I spun this wheel to determine how the draft is going to pan out on Sunday. So now you don't need to turn up on Sunday because the wheel only deals in truths.


1st Overall - Toronto Legion Select



Boston Leahy (who for a hot minute was going to be called Boston Flamburough) is a forward and I guess that fits the Legion alright since I think they'll mainly just be after the highest quality skater in the draft, which is Boston Leahy as the wheel commands. Boston Leahy has 0 TPA, but 0 is a number that is empty, yet holds infinite potential.


2nd Overall - Riga Reign Select



Some thought that the recent trades Riga made for Pearce and Ablar were to find defensemen to pair alongside their upcoming defenseman draftee, but their tiny little minds don't compare to that of the wheel. 


3rd Overall - Toronto Legion Select



Draped in blue exactly as the wheel intended, Jones gives Toronto an active defenseman that can step in two seasons from now once half of Toronto aging defenseman core is retired.


4th Overall - New York Americans Select



As someone who understands the wheel intimately, Thad graciously accepts the wheel's offering of Lucas-Brandt. The player with a double-barrelled single name bestows Thad with a potential center to play alongside his own, the wheel is benevolent in that way.


5th Overall - Helsinki Titans Select



The wheel understands weather better than anyone and who better to cope with the Helsinki ice than the McDonalds own Reese McFleury. Helsinki have three defensemen on their roster and two more in the prospects pool, the wheel completes a potential third defenseman pairing with McFleury.


6th Overall - Malmo Nighthawks Select



The wheel has long understood that Malmo have done well with defenseman depth but could use more forwards, the wheel bestows upon them the winger Pete Vanderzwet. Vanderzwet, much like Leahy, is at 0 TPA so has infinite potential, but has less TPE hence Leahy at first overall and Vanderzwet at 6.


7th Overall - Seattle Bears Select



brooks does not come with a capital B, but it does come with the full authority and blessing of the wheel to Seattle. Those who would question Seattle's decision to take a goalie in the first round for the second straight draft will find themselves slapped collectively across all their faces by the wheel. 


8th Overall - Seattle Bears Select



Seattle didn't have much reason to celebrate last season, leaving the playoffs in the earliest possible fashion, but the wheel clearly has plans for celebration for the Bears in the future, for it would not have graced them with the man with the fanciest moves around, Mr Fancy Moves.


9th Overall - DC Dragons Select



All but one of DC's forward roster is pencilled in to Free Agency, but the wheel does not condone loneliness, instead greeting the solemn Ryan Vidot with the gift of Shane Wardell.


10th Overall - HC Davos Dynamo Select



The wheel is never wrong, it will only ever change the correct answer. Reese finds a new home in the country where you can find the home of chocolate, delicious intellect with this pick from the wheel.


11th Overall - Moscow Menace Select



The wheel understands Moscow's salary cap quandry perfectly and grants them with someone who will never count towards their cap through virtue of being a multi of Gio Naps that actually should have been retired by now, but the fact that they aren't so that Moscow could be free from the burdens of the cap is thanks only to the generosity of the wheel.


12th Overall - Warsaw Predators Select



While the wheel may be taking away from Davos here, they are actually adding to the VHLE as they understand the league has emptied significantly this season and Ahma would potentially play in the E if a team not called Davos selected them. 


13th Overall - Warsaw Predators Select



However, while the wheel graciously extends it help to the E, it would be undue punishment to Warsaw to give them a defenseman in Jokinen that may never play for them, thus the wheel performs the ultimate balancing act and grants them the defenseman that has a name that sounds most like Ahma without being Ahma to fill the void.


14th Overall - Malmo Nighthawks Select



While the wheel blessed Malmo earlier with the infinite potential of Pete Vanderzwet, the wheel can understand there can be a lack of patience when it comes to potential reaching the fore. Therefore the wheel levels things out with the more sure forward prospect in Ivan Varlamov


15th Overall - Moscow Menace Select



The wheel very nearly chooses to go with Shoto for the Menace again, but instead grants Moscow an offering that, should be able to conform to cap limitations, will grant them a future replacement in defense for the aging Remy.


16th Overall - Toronto Legion Select



While they have already been gifted the infinite potential of the winger Boston Leahy, Toronto could really use a center for them to play with down the line and the wheel determines that there is nobody better to fill that role than a player joining the VHLE in Season 87, Keno Akara.


Bless the Wheel.


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3 hours ago, OrbitingDeath said:

Reese McFleury so good he's selected twice in the top 10

Wouldn't be the first time someone was selected multiple times! Although the one I'm thinking of was 3 times in the last 2 rounds.

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