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VHL Best Bets


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Usually every week I come out with a Sunday Bullets to get my final 2 TPE for the week. Considering it is Superbowl Sunday and the best time to make bets, I've decided to switch things up. So here are the top five VHL Bets for the rest of the season!


1. DC Dragons to make the VHL Playoffs +550

DC currently sits two points out of a playoff spot in a highly contested NA Race. Seattle currently has the last playoff spot with 38 points, anbd one game ahead of them is Chicago at 41 points. DC has a solid roster with superstar Vasile Lamb underachieving in his first year with the club. This is good value to throw $10 on.


2. Mac Atlas to win ROTY +950

Atlas currently sits 6 points behind the leader of the rookie race in Larry Abass Jr. Atlas however has shown promise over the last few games, and has been decent in stats outside of scoring too. He has 3 Game Winning goals, and being the focal point of the Toronto Legion, we expect to see his scoring go up by the end of the season and likely push for the top spot in the rookie scoring race. This would be another great value bet.


3. Xavier Booberry to reach the All-Time TPE Leaderboard at over 2000 TPE +200

@CowboyinAmerica is currently 150 TPE away from this gigantic milestone. I'm not even sure if it is mathematically possible for him to make it, but it surely must be, as why else would he be max-earning and banking on a playuer in their last season. Expect him not to retire at the end of the season to continue earning TPE. It will be very close, and could even depend on some Fantasy Uncapped TPE to set him over the top. I believe. Put big money on this.


4. Under 0.5 new VHL GM's appointed before start of S88 +300

It feels like with the amount of teams we have, there is always a new VHL GM Job every season. This season could be the exception as we haven't seen any firings yet. Most of the current GM's are either longstanding GM's or new GM's that still have their enthusiam about the league still in tact. This seems like a trap bet, but could be worth throwing some money on.


5. Vancouver Wolves to win Continental Cup in S87 +350

This team has been dominant. They've proven that using bot defense can work. Their lines have been unique and creative. I think management has done a wonderful job. From a team that was known for abusing the sim meta to a team who have been outside-the-box thinkers both in roster management and on ice strategy - Vancouver has proven that they are still a force. The Wolves look to repeat as Champion, but based on their season performance, we think there is a good chance for them to accomplish this.

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6 minutes ago, STZ said:

3. Xavier Booberry to reach the All-Time TPE Leaderboard at over 2000 TPE +200

@CowboyinAmerica is currently 150 TPE away from this gigantic milestone. I'm not even sure if it is mathematically possible for him to make it, but it surely must be, as why else would he be max-earning and banking on a playuer in their last season. Expect him not to retire at the end of the season to continue earning TPE. It will be very close, and could even depend on some Fantasy Uncapped TPE to set him over the top. I believe. Put big money on this.


I'll place the bet... then remind Vegas it's not my last season with the nine season careers :) 

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5 minutes ago, STZ said:

 That’s a thing? Lol…

when the E was added they wanted to make sure that players didn't lose a VHL season, so they added an extra season onto careers to account for a VHLE season. Most people still play 8 VHL seasons, but 9 after their draft. That's why the VHL is stuffed with players this season, and there's no real retiring class this season.

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10 minutes ago, jacobcarson877 said:

when the E was added they wanted to make sure that players didn't lose a VHL season, so they added an extra season onto careers to account for a VHLE season. Most people still play 8 VHL seasons, but 9 after their draft. That's why the VHL is stuffed with players this season, and there's no real retiring class this season.

So it’s just for the one season?

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30 minutes ago, STZ said:

So it’s just for the one season?

Depending on what the "it" is then yes.

- Everyone has had 9 season careers since S80, and will so long as the VHLE exists.
- There will be a 1 season season gap in retirees, and therefore general strength of draft classes (between the 8 season 79s and 9 season 80+s), which is this upcoming S88 draft.
- There will be a general overpopulation in the VHL this season, and next season as we wait for the 80s to retire.

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