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DJ's rivalry

Daniel Janser

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The various rivalries of Daniel Janser


Yeah you read it correctly, 'rivalries', plural. Because I had a hard time to really single out a specific one. Also, I used the term loosely, as I do not really have a beef with anyone. So here is a list with 'rivalries' that I think my player entertains to a certain extent.


Sibling rivalry


That is one which is maybe a no-brainer for all who do have (a) sibling(s). As most of you know my RL brother @Morcar80 has joined me with his player Marcel Janser in the same draft class. We even happened to have the same amount of penalty minutes in the S80-VHLM season, which we split between the Hounds and the Reapers. But that's where the similarities end. Marcel opted for a stay-at-home defender (and a rather relaxed earning rate) whereas I decided to go for a two-way winger (and a more competitive approach to the VHL). So not real a competition/rivalry on an eye-to-eye level if we look at the sheer numbers, but there is always a certain level of competitiveness between brothers.


Draft class rivalry


So during my time leading to the VHL/E draft, I had a discussion with @Spartan  how unfair it is that recreates get so much bonus TPE and are likely to make it impossible for 1st Gens to become the coveted 1OA pick (plot twist: due to circumstances I will not mention here, Nico Pearce got drafted AFTER Daniel Janser). So I settled for becoming the earliest drafted first gen (another plot twist: @Vice player Cadmael Ixazaluoh beat me to it, but is not as active as he was when we both played for Philly). I still tried to catch up with Spartan in the earning department, but the man has no chink in his armour and is max earning like it gets out of fashion tomorrow (it won't). So I settled for being the second highest TPE player in my draft class. I have the consolation price as of yet though, that neither of us has won a cup yet, that Janser is higher scoring since he entered the VHL and that DJ was able to match Pearce's silverware (Brooks and Campbell Trophy in S84) in the last two seasons.


Swedish-Swiss rivalry


What do Sweden and Switzerland have in common? Well, for one they are the only countries to start with 'Sw' (as Eswatini decided in 2018 'fuck this shit'). Both countries are notoriously neutral and (used to) have a sizeable arms industry compared to the size/importance of their nation. Last but not necessarily the least, both countries enjoy a certain fame for their endemic food specialties ('Surströmming' in Sweden's case, stinky cheese in Switzerland's). No wonder, some people get confused about our two nations. So, the final rivalry I have is with @Shindigs Bo Johansson, as he has openly admitted to his endeavour to overtake me in the TPE race. I find it fitting that our alter egos have become arguably the best players in their position in the league, considering the motherlode of awards we were able to collect in the last few seasons. It is also interesting that we both play in the NA Conference and faced each other in the S86 World Cup final, with the better end for the Swiss Center.


To be clear I wish all the best to all the players I mentioned and all the rivalry (at least from my side) is mainly friendly banter.

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