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Mexico City Kings Finally Break the Curse

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Mexico City Kings Finally Break the Curse




June 6 2022


June 6th, 2022, I was named the General Manager for the Mexico City Kings. I've been the GM for the Kings since S84 and I cannot believe it's been around 10 months now since I first started. The Kings were in a rough spot at the time, we had one player, that being @Jason kranz, and a bunch of picks in the upcoming draft. It was going to be an easy turnaround because of the picks left by @youloser1337, who set me up for success and helped the Kings turn around a 8-58-6 record into a 47-16-9 record. We ended up making the playoffs and played the Reapers, the team I used to AGM for in the first round. We ended up beating them and headed to the second round against the titans of the league at the time, the Las Vegas Aces.


The beginning of the curse


I felt at the time that we had a pretty good team and that we had a chance against the Aces, but the team was also extremely stacked with @Shindigs at the helm. We ended up falling to the Aces in five games if I remember correctly, but regardless in my mind it was a great season to start off on. The first time ever in the league as a GM and I successfully took a team who finished last to the semi-finals, and we also lost to the winner at the time, so I really wasn't complaining. However, little did I know this would be the beginning of the STHS curse on me, where I could never get out of the semi-finals.


S85 and S86


Next up was Season 85, my second season as the General Manager for the Kings. I thought coming into this season, we should be able to be a top four team easily, and potentially maybe go for top 2. Well, it did happen, technically, but we ended up getting the fourth seed for the second season in a row, as in S84 we also were the fourth seed. In the back of my mind, I knew that even if we ended up winning the first round, we would have to go against the Las Vegas Aces yet again and take them out, which just seemed almost impossible at the time. We ended up winning the first round against Saskatoon and headed to the second round, where well.. we lost. again. I believe we ended up losing this one in seven, as we had a 3-2 lead and ended up blowing it and then Las Vegas went on to win the cup. again. I knew at this point that I think I was cursed by Simon, because that's the second season in a row where we'd be fourth place and also lose in the second round. Fast forward, it's now my third season in the league as the GM for the Kings (S86) and I'm gonna be honest, I didn't expect us to be good. I thought we would be a 6th-8th seed honestly, but of course, what happens? Can you guess? Of course. Fourth seed. AGAIN. Three seasons IN A ROW. I think at this point Simon just wanted to watch me suffer as we ended up going into the first round and took down Miami, but now we played the absolutely stacked San Diego Marlins who were the first seed. I was like, ah we're probably just going to lose again to be honest, but we ended up taking a 3-1 lead in the series, so I had some hope. Was this finally it? Would we finally be able to break the curse and go to the finals? Absolutely not. Simon knew what he was doing playing with my emotions and we ended up falling to San Diego in Game 7. At this point, I was debating if I even attempt to have a good team and just build for the season after (S88), but I did my best in constructing a team that would be able to at least, make the playoffs.


S87, it finally happens?


We're now in S87 and the draft was approaching. At this point, I was debating if I wanted to try to be a good team, or if I wanted to draft players for the following season really and compete then, but I decided to try to compete. I got extremely lucky that @Captain nugget decided to come back also, didn't really know where to put this in but here you go. Out of the draft, we had a 7-1-1 roster and I really expected us to be towards the bottom of the league. But then it happened. By a miracle of Simon, we ended up starting the season like 16-0-0 or something like that and I thought this was finally it. Simon has finally decided to bless me and give us a good season. Everything was working, all our players were having career years and we were unstoppable. We ended up finishing 1st for the first time in my history as GM for the Kings and I thought maybe this is finally it. Maybe the curse gets broken!


S87 Playoffs to current date


The playoffs end up starting and we're the 1st seed, something I've never been able to experience. We ended up playing the Aces in the first round, and honestly it wasn't very close. It felt great to get revenge on the Aces (even though @Blazzer is an amazing GM), for all those times they beat us back in S84 and S85. We ended up beating the Aces in 5 games and headed to the second round, where we would play the bane of our existence, the Houston Bulls. So backtrack a little bit, when I ended up joining the league as GM, @AJW and @jacobcarson877 ended up also joining too. AJW ended up taking over Houston and Jacob took over San Diego. They both made their teams extremely competitive throughout their tenure and have done a fantastic job. So back to where I was, we're going to be playing the Houston Bulls, where for some reason this team always ended up giving us a problem. It didn't matter how good or how bad both teams were, Houston always seemed to get the slight upper hand on Mexico City and I was thinking about the curse in the back of my head. I knew that I could very well lose this series, because on paper, Houston looked like a contender and Mexico City many people said was a "pretender". The series ended up starting off 2-2 and it could've gone anyone's way, but that's when it happened. Game 5. Houston Bulls end up winning and taking the lead. I thought at this point, our season was over. I knew the curse was real. Simon hasn't forgotten. He gave me hope and is about to take it away for the fourth time in a row. I was debating making changes to my lines, but I knew that my lines got me this far, I might as well keep them. Game 6 happens. Win. We end up going to Game 7 for the third season in a row in the second round. This was it. If we could pull it off, we would be going to the finals. The game starts and Houston gets the first goal. Ouch. I'm watching from my press box as I see them score and I start to get worried, but only 6 seconds later, captain nugget the Free Agent and old Mexico City Kings legend ties up the score at one. We end the second and it's a tie game, as close as it can be. Heading into the third, Grizz Tazzo puts in a goal and we're up 2-1! I knew at this point, there was a very high chance that we would break the curse and move on, but of course, that was short lived. Houston would then tie up the score at 2 six minutes later and the game was a coinflip at this point. However, with 5 minutes left, the leading franchise point-scorer Captain Nugget scores and puts the Kings up 1. The clock ticks down and we've done it. The curse is finally over. We're heading to the finals and it's the first time I've been able to steer my team to the finals. You have no clue how nervous I was in potentially choking another season in losing in the semis. We'll be playing the Ottawa Lynx in the finals and the Kings are destined to hold the cup. It's going to be an amazing finals and I hope we're able to come out on top and bring home the second ever championship to Mexico City!




To my team if you read this, it's been an amazing season. We've seriously pushed all the way to the finals and broke a curse that I thought would never be broken in my history as a General Manager in the M. You all have been some of the best players I've been able to have in my organization, let's bring home the trophy for every single one of us. We've all come a long way and I believe we can do it. Let's get our names on the trophy and take it home!



1500+ Words

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