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Are we referring to bra size or how many penises Jamie can take at a time? Or am I way off base here? 


OH! Don Draper... I get it.... Maybe? Is this is a euphemism?


Sorry I'm a man we're all pigs. 

Edited by Frank
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Effort: 2/2 - Yup, the effort is definitely here in this.

Look: 2.5/3 - I really enjoy the washed out classic look from around the render but the edges of the sig are WAY too contrasted, especially compared to the centre. The effects are okay and the text style is good but gets hurt by the aforementioned contrast.
Creativity: 1/1 - Yup
Total: 5.5/6
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Effort: 2/2 - Blending, lighting, text, coloring, effects, you definitely have it.
Look: 2.5/3 - I think the lighting washes out the face a bit and the edges are far to bright but the text is decent and the coloring is good.
Creativity: 1/1 - Yeah
Total: 5.5/6
Final: 6
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