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re: What if the VHL had Trading Cards?


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The idea for VHL trading cards recently came up in an article by @WildfireMicro, and since this has an idea that came up (at least) once before and back then I thought it would be cool, I thought I would give some thoughts on how I would do it if I were to run a VHL trading card system. It is something I thought about trying to work on independently a bit, but I haven't gone any further than ideas, and truthfully probably never will, because the amount of time and effort likely wouldn't be worth what probably wouldn't end up being as interesting to the general community as it would be a niche market. Anyway, I here are some of my ideas.


  • Each season, a new set of VHL cards would be released. There would be two different types of sets; let's call them standard and special sets. Standard and special sets alternate, so it could be that every even season is a standard set, and ever odd season is a special set.
  • Standard sets are comprised of approximately 80 cards, featuring current VHL players. Obviously that means not every VHL player is going to be in every standard set, but that would be too much work. There would be players that have cards in multiple sets, but it would be a goal to have every player who makes it into the VHL be in at least one standard set.
  • Cards in a standard set would have different rarities. I'm thinking the breakdown of cards in a standard set would be something like this:
    • minimum of 4 players from each VHL team; 2 or 3 common and 1 or 2 uncommon; that makes up 64 cards in each set
    • the other 16 cards would be rarer cards; there wouldn't be as much in the way of team restrictions in terms of count for these cards, but they would be reserved for more special cases: star rookies, retiring veterans, award winners, stuff like that
  • Special sets are comprised of approximately 24 cards, featuring retired players that fit a certain theme; themes could include things like New York (or any other franchise) legends, draft steals, Hall of Famers; as such, these sets would be focused on promoting recognition of league history
  • I haven't really thought much on how card acquisition would work, but I don't think I'd have an expiration on acquiring cards from certain packs, and the special sets would definitely always be available; standard sets could possibly be available only during their two season window; I think I would have it be something like any player can claim 1 standard and 1 special pack (of some number of cards, I don't know)
  • The timing of sets could also be different. Maybe I would go with a larger standard set that is every four seasons, and more special sets.


That's enough words.

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The EFL has (had? looks like it's no longer active) a Discord bot that would give you virtual "cards" of current EFL players by playing around with it in some channel. I never used it myself but someone pulled some apparently ultra-rare version of my player once so that was cool. 


I think it's a nice idea but would require a lot of work. 

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I was doing a rookie card/signature for every new member at one point.


it was an incentive program where they had to reach a certain amount of TPE and then I would make them. The cards were on a new template each Draft Class, so it was kind of like a limited edition type thing..


but yeah, the VHL Auditor thought I wasn’t doing enough to earn job pay doing all those graphics lol..

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1 hour ago, STZ said:

I was doing a rookie card/signature for every new member at one point.


it was an incentive program where they had to reach a certain amount of TPE and then I would make them. The cards were on a new template each Draft Class, so it was kind of like a limited edition type thing..


but yeah, the VHL Auditor thought I wasn’t doing enough to earn job pay doing all those graphics lol..

This would be amazing to bring back. Sounds so cool!

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2 hours ago, STZ said:

I was doing a rookie card/signature for every new member at one point.


it was an incentive program where they had to reach a certain amount of TPE and then I would make them. The cards were on a new template each Draft Class, so it was kind of like a limited edition type thing..


but yeah, the VHL Auditor thought I wasn’t doing enough to earn job pay doing all those graphics lol..


As a side note, looking back on this it was certainly an insane amount of work. You had the misfortune of doing what you did in a time when everyone was complaining about recruitment team getting paid 12 per week (and iirc around the same time someone on recruitment was getting weird looks for not doing much and claiming 12 anyway) and there was an arguably bigger controversy with multiple members of VSN contributing practically nothing but claiming pay every week.


You might remember my own job pay article around that time as well and lots of the responses to my survey just lumped in "recruitment" as a whole as a group that didn't deserve the pay. One response that I really appreciated was from @MubbleFubbles, who pointed out that there was a lot of variation between what different members of recruitment actually ended up doing...which is something that I'm assuming the audit missed (I somehow don't know if I ever saw the audit? I feel like I would have but I at least heard about it). 


I think it could be really interesting if certain groups were able to designate specific projects for extra pay on a sort of work-on-commission basis. Rookie graphics certainly seem like a viable option for that and VSN currently arguably has something similar where (I think, or at least I hope) writers can't claim the pay if they aren't writing.

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  • Commissioner
5 hours ago, Gustav said:

I think it could be really interesting if certain groups were able to designate specific projects for extra pay on a sort of work-on-commission basis.

I mean there is literally no reason that they can’t. We’re really rather lenient with this sort of thing as long as permission is asked in advance. Like most things people just don’t ask because they assume the answer is no.

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5 hours ago, Gustav said:

I think it could be really interesting if certain groups were able to designate specific projects for extra pay on a sort of work-on-commission basis. Rookie graphics certainly seem like a viable option for that and VSN currently arguably has something similar where (I think, or at least I hope) writers can't claim the pay if they aren't writing.

VSN right now to my knowledge is purely commission based. People who do stuff can claim the job pay.

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