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Steve had some thoughts, oh my.


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London beat Seattle in a intense finals series. Though I would never bet against Seattle in that scenario, it seems London has proven to have been the better team. Congratulations to them for giving us an exciting series. I am sure Seattle won't let that happen too many times in the future.


As for Max Torq. He is still in the middle of making the decision to retire on the 12th and recreate or continue to play another two seasons. Riga could of course trade Max and that could be a factor. Max has time to figure out what's best and I am sure whatever is in the future will be fun.


To change the topic completely. I love making graphics. I love reviewing graphics as well. I wish more members would take the time and review others work. I am not asking for mine to be reviewed, though I do get a comment from time to time, but I like to review new members graphics. I can remember making my first graphics and all the comments and helpful tips I got that made me push harder and harder. It also makes new members feel more like they are important and others are watching what they have created. It's a good feeling that I hope helps others want to push their skills to the next level. I am by no means a great creator, but I do make graphics that are “different”. I enjoy thinking of different ways to do certain things. I would never have gone down this path if it weren't for the support of our close community. I strive for retention of new members and I think reviewing anything a new member posts is nothing but a positive thing for the league.


Everyone stay safe and enjoy the summer.

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