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Plan For My Next Player (Or More Specifically My Player After My Next Player)


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I was thinking of talking about my Free Agency experience for my VHL.com, but while it is still ongoing, I'll leave it till next week to cover, most likely in a VHL Radio.


As for now, I'll just talk about what I've settled on for my next player. Pretty much the only important thing about the next player will be that they will be created at the Season 91 Trade Deadline, so for anyone interested that means I will be earning TPE for The Board Game Clue On Skates up until the point where the league will no longer let me, which will be following Season 90.


But the time of which my next player will be created is the only important thing as their existence in the world will be mere seconds as I will try to set the Speedrun World Record for player creation to retirement. Why? Couple of reasons, 1) I can and 2) It's a more fun way to sacrifice my recreate TPE than simply speaking to admin.


From there, I'll immediately create my next player, and with that next player I will do what I originally intended to do with this player until I got too giddy. I will create at 30 TPE, and I will stay at 30 TPE up until the point I am drafted in the VHL (which would be the Season 93 VHL Draft I believe?), at which point I will return to my usual max earning self and see just how far I can get with a player that doesn't start earning until being drafted. Just like the idea of mixing things up and I've kind of done all of the fun gimmicks at this point (The Completely Random Player, the GOAT backup goalie and the PIM champion of the world) so figured I'd just challenge myself by making it more difficult to make a good player.


During that time where I won't be earning, I don't plan on going anywhere, so don't worry, draft rankings will still get updated in the usual fashion, I just won't be claiming any TPE for them during that period. 



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Sounds quite fun! Similar in concept to Lucas Grey's not applying TPE until the VHL, but way more hardcore. And honestly at the rate you earn, those ~300 TPE won't affect you long term, should still be a great player.

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