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Reflecting on my time in VHL


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Reflecting on my time in VHL

"Closing in to 5 years here..."


It is quite a thing to think about the fact that in February I will be here for 5 years. Even to my youthful and undeveloped mind it feels like a considerable amount of time. It has had profound influence to me, being here, seeing a lot of amazing people that all deserve high praise of being amazing and unique individuals. Today, I want to reflect on some important moments of my time here, that I feel shaped my run here and hopeful will keep me going for the next 16 years of VHL existance (I want to at least get to be here for the half of the time this league exists). I am sure that no one really cares about these sort of thoughts so I am not going to tag anyone here, if you read it - enjoy :)

So where do I start... 

Joining the league

When I joined VHL, I had a beautiful opportunity to join Philadelphia Reapers under BladeMaiden as team's GM. It was incredibly fun, sure, looking back at it and if you care you can even find some of those problems that I have had in a post some time ago, there were significant problems, but it was my experience and valuable lesson of having an open mind that gives you a chance to be and have a variety of opinions around. I also need to add that my run as a GM would not have been possible without my time in Philly as I was heavily inspired by Blade and it gave me that push to go and apply for Houston Bulls GM spot. 

Houston Bulls

I have a deep and strong feelings about Houston. A beautiful and majestic team that I will hold dear as long as I am around. I remember the time I had the pleasure taking over GMing and understanding that I have a chance to help players on their way to VHL. Sadly, out of my VHLM players, ones that I had under my wing, not many have remained but there are certain names that I remember very fondly as people of amazing personality - two of those that I felt incredibly honoured to have on my squad there: Erik Summers and Elmebeck. Two amazing individuals. Erik Summers left the league due to not enough time and had a beautiful career with Helsinki Titans while Elmebeck, well, I don't think I want or should go into more details than just say - missing you buddy dearly. Overall, during this time I had my highs and lows, fun situations and not so fun. Did get that 1st Cup for Houston Bulls in S68 though. 


Bana and I took over VSN and managed to bring it to the level it is right now, even if I don't agree with everything going on and even though I have had an urge to go and join as a writer I just know that for me it would be tough as I once was VSN Editor-in-chief, had my own ways and I am not sure I could be a subbordinate. That said - Alex is doing great! A lot of things and people I remember extremely fondly from that time - Zetterberg and Motzaburger, my amazing Graphics duo, Doomsday and Hatter, writers that VSN never really deserved. McWolf's strong support during the creation process. Matt_O, Selsby and D_A that brought us weekly or bi-weekly content that was so amazing I didn't even need to really edit it. It was just that good. So incredibly happy. Sure, I am fully aware I wasn't the greatest lead in VSN and you could ask Doomsy or Hatter about it, I never really had that push to go and talk about increasing pay for VSN's hard work, I tried but didn't have enough power to do so. Sadly, wasn't my proudest time there but in the end - we did write, we did put out the high quality content we had, incredibly proud of our work.

Malmo Nighthawks

Even though VSN overlaps between Bulls and Malmo, I think that after becoming Malmo GM, I felt like my time in VSN was slowly coming to an end. It was a great experience, I loved my time there but I was incredibly dedicated to my Malmo squad and put all my time and effort into bringing my beautiful team that I took over from a legendary GM Advantage a Continental cup. Was it a tough run to do so? Yes, I made some mistakes, had fairly weak trading knowledge and was too clingy to my players but I always had that mindset in mind that "If we win with this crew, it would be special". Which players I am talking about? Wakaro, Sheilds,  Dayne, Hylands, Kamenov, Jungkok, Dickson, Gyrfalcon, Tretiak and Adrienne. It was a squad of beautiful character and vision, I still adore every single member and that time did create some long lasting friendships - I am looking at you Z, Snu and of course Green.  Heck, I still regret that I decided to go and give up my VHL GM spot with Malmo because of "Oh, I feel like my time for VHL will go down in the next 3 months and I want the team to have a super active GM so... Maybe... I should just step down". It did make me happy that Hylands took over Malmo, an incredibly happy moment for me. S75 Continental cup Champions - 2nd team I take over, 2nd time I get that 1st Franchise cup. Wonderful memories and lovely people. 

Leaving, regretting and Bratislava Watchmen

I already said that my time in Malmo was cut short because of my decision to step down, at first it felt good because it seemed to be the right thing to do, now it feels like I could still be Malmo GM. That said, my time away from GMing and having a chance to enjoy being just a member with a player was something I needed. I needed to set my mind straight on how I want to procede. Yes, I did think about quitting but then again, I didn't want to lose my connections with amazing people and I still enjoyed VHL as a game. I started once again to apply for GM spots and I saw others become GMs before and even though I think I should have felt some anger or frustration but I didn't - I was happy for everyone getting their opportunities. And then my chance was here. VHLE. A new league that will need 6 GMs to lead teams. At first I felt that it won't be something I will enjoy, it felt like a project that will take too much away from me - building something absolutely from scratch. I was encouraged, I was selected and there I was, leading Bratislava Watchmen, heck, I can even embrace Beardislava now. It was a breath of fresh air - having a chance to meet people like Shindigs and Leadro, my two amazing AGMs that have spoiled me absolutely. Metting GMs that I either reconnected with or created a strong bond, yes, I am speaking about my friend IR and of course Thadius. Two amazing, beautiful and incredibly generous people. Of course, as a GM I was ecstatic to win Renaissance cup and get that sweet Triple (VHLM, VHLE and VHL as GM, also all of those are 1st Franchise cups in those leagues). It was a great time..

D.C. Dragons and future

Not much to write here than to say that I am back in VHL, happy, proud and going through the rebuild. I am hopeful we can build a team that can sustain itself through many seasons of competitiveness and hopefully I can also bring D.C. their second cup. It will be incredibly magical if we can do it with our current roster that has amazing people like Keegan, Dusty, Bek, Twists, Emidas, Futch and DA. Even players that I had to trade, Jason and Ctots, you are amazing. Thank you. All that said I am excited about the future and I am sure that my current player Grimgor will have a great career - maybe not as great as the one of Sirdsvaldis Miglasķēms, but I am willing to take less with pride. 

Some people I feel I need to mention....

There are so many names, but to pull out a few:

Bana - I am not going to say anything else then just thank you, you are great in every way possible.
IR - you deserve far more praise then you get. 
Thad - I am yet to send you that care package, I know. 
Spartan - a person of amazing intelligence. 
Sam - bees are still sick but doing better. 
Green - hope you are excited about Dune Part 2. 
Shindigs - come back you dirty dog. 
Moon - you are wonderful individual. 
Daniel Janser - you are a beauty. 
Leadro - an incredibly passion and dedication.
Snu - get working on your swing my boy.

I could make this list longer but at this point, I think I have written enough. It is a bit of my journey here, not too much but at least this time I am writting about good things not the bad that I am somewhat known for. 

Thanks to those who decided to read this.


Edited by FrostBeard
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