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I am making this one even though I am sure there is one but after at least 60 seconds looking for it I know we need a new on and pin it so it's easy to find. Last year my daughter asked me to quit smoking cigarettes and if I didn't I had to take her to Disney Land. well I just had my first smoke in Florida, Needless to say I have other shit on my plate this week. And yes I still plan on quitting, I have cut is back to just a couple a day. I will check on for a bit every night before bed for sure and I will talk to anybody wanting to make any deals. I will be back to the house we rented for supper time on every night so PM me and I will get back to you. Anyone can go really besides Street. I'll still get my shit done so chill the fuck out Kendrick, you don't even need to reply.

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  On 11/1/2014 at 4:22 AM, Bushito said:

I am making this one even though I am sure there is one but after at least 60 seconds looking for it I know we need a new on and pin it so it's easy to find. Last year my daughter asked me to quit smoking cigarettes and if I didn't I had to take her to Disney Land. well I just had my first smoke in Florida, Needless to say I have other shit on my plate this week. And yes I still plan on quitting, I have cut is back to just a couple a day. I will check on for a bit every night before bed for sure and I will talk to anybody wanting to make any deals. I will be back to the house we rented for supper time on every night so PM me and I will get back to you. Anyone can go really besides Street. I'll still get my shit done so chill the fuck out Kendrick, you don't even need to reply.

As a non smoker who's watched people try to quit, I wish you nothing but the best of luck in doing so. I'll never fully appreciate how difficult it must be but after seeing people in my life struggling with quitting, I know even just attempting is a huge deal. Kudos, dude.

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You ever try an e-cig/vaporizer ? I've been like a half-pack per day smoker for a few years now and I just got my vapor setup going and I've been cig free for 2 days, which ain't shit, but still. It's pretty much a replacement habit but I've found it to be a ton easier than cold turkey would have been.

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  On 11/1/2014 at 8:41 AM, gorlab said:

You ever try an e-cig/vaporizer ? I've been like a half-pack per day smoker for a few years now and I just got my vapor setup going and I've been cig free for 2 days, which ain't shit, but still. It's pretty much a replacement habit but I've found it to be a ton easier than cold turkey would have been.

I have one of those as well and they're just not the same. The nicotine in it's own right isn't that harmful, it's like caffeine, it's all the other crap. You have to force yourself out of the habitual aspect of it and try to take what you can from the e-cig and it can help. It helps my co-worker who hasn't had a cigarette in quite some time.


I went through the same thing, when my niece was on her way I decided to quit smoking for her, and I did, but life and pressures and whatnot drove me back again. It was a hard battle quitting and it's a harder battle yet trying to bring yourself to quit again, and I commend you for doing your best at it.

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