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a tale of two Brothers // an interview

Daniel Janser

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Graphic courtesy of Leandrofg

(Marcel's stats/Daniel's stats)


The Wranglers as well as the Phantoms have played to games in the post-season, both series stand at a 1-1 tie. And the brothers despite (or because of?) impending retirement are in the thick of it and lead their respective teams in points. Our correspondent Jean-Luc Lieuxperroux (JLL) took the opportunity to talk to the brothers.


JLL: 'Marcel, Daniel thanks for taking the time talking to us.'

Marcel Janser (MJ): 'Any time, Jean-Luc.'

JLL: 'Daniel, after the shocking announcement of your retirement, has anything changed for you?'

Daniel (DJ): 'I would lie if I said it didn't. I am still giving my all for this team, make no mistake. However, everytime I lace up for the game, I wonder whether I will go into battle with my brothers once more, or if this is the last time we compete together. All it takes is a wrong stride, a second of not paying attention, an unlucky collision to end the season and with it my career. Or even simpler, the one defeat too much in a playoff series and I am out. So it has something of a saying good bye in installments, especially during the home games. I know the Saddledome like the back of my hand and I soak it all in to preserve the scents, the feel and the view of everything surrounding me.'

JLL: 'Marcel, you started atypically strong into the playoff campaign with three helpers in two matches. Your average career playoff pace is .5 points per game. Any explanation for that?'

MJ: 'Not really. I just do what I always do to help the team winning games. It seems that at the moment I am very lucky in my endeavours. If that keeps up, I am here for it.'

JLL: 'Daniel, you are no slouch with four markers in two contests either. Will we see more of it?'

DJ: 'From your mouth to the hockey gods' ear, Jean-Luc. I mean if I could not overtake that SOB Boulet in the regular season scoring, I will best him in the playoffs. Jokes aside, all I care is to do my best to give the Wranglers a deep run. If it ends up with Marcel and me meeting in the finals, that would be a worthy end to our careers.'

JLL: 'You both seem to be confident. No concerns that it could backfire?'

MJ: 'We know very well that at this stage it is every team's goal to get the flipping cup. We are not cocky or underestimating our opponents. Having said that, if you want to win, you need to believe in your abilities to make the dream come true.'

DJ: 'Well said, bro. We know that we mess with the best now and that games will sometimes be decided by a coin toss. I think at this point in time Marcel and I have proven that we can compete. Will we always win? Of course not, that would be disrespectful to all the other outstanding athletes in this league. But we know we have what it takes to make a difference in a series. And we will do our best that we put that knowledge into practice.'

JLL: 'But so do all the others.'

MJ: 'Exactly, so we take nothing for granted, but are confident that we have the tools to overcome the odds. And we both play in teams which are competitive and have been for a while. We are not the only ones in our line ups who can make the difference. Think of Jameson, Laperriere and Kauppi in Prague or Wolanin, Gonçalves and Strasmore in Calgary.'  

JLL: 'Well, Strassy is not necessarily the scoring type, is he?'

DJ: 'He is no slouch, but I think Marcel was more referring to his grit. His ability to go under the opponents' skin. This is even more of a factor in the playoffs than in the regular season.'

JLL: 'Okay, gents, that were all the questions for now. Thanks again for your time and good luck.'

DJ/MJ: 'Thanks, Jean-Luc, take care.'


The Jansers' playoff tally reads as follows:

Marcel: 2gp, 0g, 3a, 3pts, +2, 0 PIM, 3 hits, 2sb

Daniel: 2gp, 4g, 0a, 4pts, +3, 0 PIM, 3 hits, 0sb, 1gwg, 1ppg, 46.59FO%, 1 First Star award












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Article Review: Following the Janser brothers for the last few seasons has been a great part of the VHL experience.  With them retiring it will definitely change the VHL.  Thanks for the great reads throughout the seasons.  We look forward to the future commentary.  Keep up the great work and good luck Marcel on the remainder of the playoffs.  Both players are definitely deserving of the praise they have received in the league.


I give this article a 9/10. Hopefully there will be one last article giving these two a proper sendoff.



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