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S40 World Cup Commissioner


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This will be the last event of the VHL's 40th season and ideally will run as smoothly as last time.

Last time we had Team World and Team Mercenaries and that was a success and was largely suggested by the WC commish based on available players. So you can influence that too.

World Cup Commissioner Duties:

-Create a spreadsheet with players available for each nation based on countries.

-Hire a general manager for each six World Cup nations.

-Keep an updated thread with World Cup standings.

-Keep an updated spreadsheet with player and goalie statistics.

-Being in charge of the World Cup as a whole.

You don't have to sim the games.

Pay is uncapped 10 TPE after the World Cup. Duties can be split between two people for 5 TPE each as well. Apply within and state if you want to go solo or double team it.

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