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Nothing Left to Say

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You would think that I’d probably have a ton to write about this week, with my London United within one win of a potential second Continental Cup, but I really don’t have a ton to say on the subject.


The work to get to this point was set up a long time ago, and we’re just seeing the residual effects now. The core of players that are leading the way for us have spent the last many months putting together their builds, grinding away at their TPE earnings and carving themselves a role here in the VHL and on the United.


The work we did put in this season was securing exactly enough depth scoring and defensive responsibility to survive the onslaught of other teams. Working with Torbjorn, Marchand, Knievel, Braun and Maloish to work on getting their builds to an optimal point considering their TPA and contract gave us some excess value for every dollar spent. Torbjorn had a monster season, keeping up with our max contract forwards at half the cost, and almost none of the high-conversion minutes. Jeckler, Braun and Maloish rocked the +/- category, not necessarily getting in on the action themselves, but facilitating offensive pressure and keeping Teno from too much danger.


The regular season was incredibly underwhelming, and I think we sunk into a morale pit early, and never dug ourselves out. Compare that to the post-season, where we got out of our first-round matchup with consecutive wins, snowballed through Malmo, and once again ended the EU Finals with consecutive wins.


This is probably our second-last crack at this championship thing, with Molly the Cat in their finals games, and Jesse Teno facing the same fate next season. Not to mention the wealth of depth that we’ve acquired shortly afterwards. There isn’t much left to extend the window into S94, and I’ll be doing my best to give the next era of United hockey a head start on discovering their new faces.


It’s a real testament to the work we’ve put in as a team to have core players stick around as long as they have, and that free agents want to come be a part of our process. It’s no VHLM locker room, but I’ve had a pleasure getting to spend the last many months with this group, and while I wouldn’t dare doubt Frostbeard’s ability to bring this thing back, I really do hope I can give them another opportunity to celebrate their success. I think it would mean a lot to them to be the first team to win multiple championships in the Hybrid Era, particularly after the long wait to be relevant.


So yeah, I really don’t have much to say about the Playoffs at the moment, pretty well everything is out of my hands at this point, and into the hands of Simon (Praise be to Simon). I’ll be proud of the team and our work regardless of the result, but wouldn’t it be nice! Lots of hockey left to be played, and you can count on the United being ready to outwork whoever we face!

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